• Chapter 2 •

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Your chauffeur pulled up to the gym behind a bus. You assumed that this was the bus to the opposing team for the practice match. You proved yourself right when you saw a bunch of rowdy teenage boys in the Karasuno attire. You thanked your driver and started walking towards the gym.

At first, you were hesitant to accept your grandfather's request to take over as head coach. You knew how much the team meant to him, as you played libero for the girls' team at Nekoma when you were still in high school. And because it meant so much to him, you knew he wouldn't want just anyone taking his place. He wanted you to do it, and you couldn't let him down like that. Besides after hearing the practice match would be against Karasuno, you were kind of excited. Karasuno hasn't made much of an appearance since your 1st year in high school.

As you approached the gym doors someone had beat you to open them. Speak of the devil and he shall appear. It was your grandfather. You greeted him with a tight hug, as you haven't seen him in a while.

"Thank you for coming today (y/n). I'm sorry if I'm interrupting your work." Yasufumi said.

"Not at all, old man! I'm honored to be here, and I was intending to take a break from modeling anyways." You quickly responded. Yes, you were a model, hence the chauffeur earlier. You were known as Japan's international beauty.

"I'm glad," he says as he leads you to the bench to set down your belongings. He headed to the center of the court with the boys to round them up while you got settled. "Alright, boys! I'd like to introduce you to your future head coach!"

You turned around and made your way to the team. "Hi! I'm (y/n)..." No one was listening to you. They were so distracted by the fact that you, of all people, was going to be their new coach. Everything you did was in like slow motion to them. You began to feel a little uncomfortable under their stares so you coughed and waved your hand to get their attention. "Hello?"

"Y-y-you're (y/n)! L-like the (y/n)!" shouted Yamamoto. It caught you a little off guard but it made you giggle.

"Haha, yeah that's me." You said rubbing the back of your neck.

"No offense, but you don't look related to the coach at all. Like you're actually attractive," said Lev, earning a smack in the head from Kuroo.

"It's alright. That would be because I'm adopted," you replied.

"Wait so you're his daughter?"

"No no, I'm his granddaughter. His son adopted me." You explained. You continued conversing with the team, learning their names, and sharing some laughs. Your grandpa left you with the team while he met up with Karasuno. Speaking of which he called you over as they just entered the gym.

On your way over you were cut off by an awfully energetic duo from the rival team.

"H-Hi I'm Tanaka!" said the tall one.

"Hello, I'm N-nishinoya!" said the shorter one. You assumed he was their libero.

"W-we think you're very beautiful and were wondering if we could have your autograph!" They shouted in unison. You just stood there like a deer in headlights, and before you could say anything the duo was being pushed down by the head into a bow.

"I apologize for their behavior. I'm Daichi, team captain for Karasuno."

You relaxed a bit, "It's ok. I'm (y/n), the soon to be head coach of Nekoma's volleyball club."

"Ah-" Daichi was cut off by a deep voice. "Is everything alright over here?"

You looked up to see who was making their way over and nearly fainted. It was him. Ukai Keishin.

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