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Okay, so here it is, the first chapter of the prequel to "How To Expect the Unexpected." I hope you all enjoy it. The next chapter is about half written so it won't be too long of a wait.


"Ugh look at him... he's such a... such a... manwhore." I said searching for the appropriate word that described the devil known as Damon Salvatore. Damon Salvatore. He was a junior whereas I was a sophomore not that I had any reason to think about us together in any way. I hated him, he was a pig.

"Yes, he is but you know that any girl in this school would ignore his reputation to roll around in his bed with him." My best friend Caroline Forbes told me.

"It's disgusting. You'll never find me being one of those girls. Ever. I'm serious Care." I told her as she raised her eyebrows at me. Like every other girl in the school he did affect me. I would be lying if I said he didn't. But what set me apart from other girls in this school is that I had no intention of doing anything about those urges. I refused to join the ranking of the school's sluttiest by sleeping with Damon Salvatore, no matter how hot he is.

"Alright, alright. Let's just get practising." Caroline said stopping me before I went on my customary rant about Damon Salvatore and his band of idiots.

"Oh what, so we can enjoy having those assholes stare at us the entire time?" I asked shaking my head. I didn't know why I was in such a bad mood right now. Sure I'd been single for quite a while by now after Matt and I broke up, but that wasn't why. Matt and I stayed really good friends which was rare for an ex couple. And, so far today Damon "the manwhore" Salvatore hadn't tried to hit on me, so really I shouldn't be grumpy.

"If that's how they get their kicks then fine. You're the only girl I know that doesn't like that senior guys are watching us practice." Caroline shrugged.

"Alright, alright." I said going to stand in my position and wait for Caroline to give the cue.

"So are you letting me on the squad yet?" My long time arch-nemesis demanded as she walked up to us just before Caroline gave us the cue to go through the routine for the first time today.

"Not a chance Sophia. We don't like you and you don't like us. Since it's my squad, I figure it's my decision to keep you out." Caroline told her. Caroline knew how much I hated Sophia, so she made it her own personal mission to ensure that she never came near our squad. Best. Friend. Ever.

"Fine. You know eventually you will realize that you need me more than I need you." She hissed before walking away towards Damon and his group.

"Out of all the bad decisions she's ever made, flirting with them is one of the worst." I said of her walking towards the table near where we were practising.

"In her defence, which I never do by the way, they are hot. If they weren't so vile and repulsive I would probably be over there with her. Well not with her, but you know.." Caroline trailed off. Damon's group consisted of himself, Klaus Mikealson, Harper, and Mason Lockwood. They where the school's bad-asses and trouble makers which made them the most popular group in school besides us. The cheerleaders and jocks were popular for being popular and Damon and friends were anti-popular essentially. I hated each and every one of them.

"If they had a good personality to go with their looks, then maybe I could stand them. But they don't so I can't." I said as I gestured for Caroline to get back into formation and to give us the cue to get going on practice.

I watched over my shoulder as Sophia planted herself on their table and was insistently flirting with Damon. He looked mildly interested as he turned his head to face her with that stupid smirk on his face. She grinned at him and leaned in to whisper something in his ear. His smirk widened and I shook my head in response. He was such a pig. Not that I cared what happened to Sophia but even I could see that he wasn't actually into her. He was just pretending for the sake of getting laid. That's how Damon Salvatore worked. He would say whatever he had to say to charm his way into a girls pants. Then he would deny it and ignore the fact that he said it when he proceeded to ignore you for the rest of time since he had gotten what he wanted out of you. Damon Salvatore was one of the worst guys I had ever met but instead of associating with him in any way, I opted to just ignore him. I wanted nothing to do with him and that's the way I chose to live my life until he graduated. "Only two more years Elena. Only two more years." I told myself often.

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