Mama Mikealson

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  For hope099 ;)
Damon POV

Day 3 after Elena. Man this totally sucks. Just a few days ago I was in my first exclusive relationship, and yes I know it wasn't perfect but it was a huge step for me. But she couldn't stay in a relationship like the one I was offering her, and honestly, I really can't blame her. I was asking so much of her but giving her nothing. I made her keep us a secret, despite how awful I knew it made her feel. She hated it and she had to lie to so many people to keep the facade up, but I didn't care. Well I did care, I just wouldn't do anything about it since I was more worried about how it would affect my life. My reasons were some that I found really hard to explain to Elena. I told her it was because I've never seen a functional relationship before and that's part of it, but the main part is that I don't want her lumped together with all the one night stands that I've had. I was about as public as you can get with them and I don't want them to be in the same category as Elena Gilbert. There is no comparison. They were just sex, and Elena is more. So much more. And no matter what I say, everyone would just put her with them. They would compare her to Sophia and that's far from right. Sophia Reynolds is nothing compared to Elena Gilbert, and that's something I figured out even without sleeping with her. Elena Gilbert is more than a guy like me could ever aspire to have. She is perfection and I blew it with her in some misguided attempt to keep her separate from the bad parts of my life. I'm a god-damn fucking idiot.

"Man come back to Earth. What's going on?" Mason asked me, it was Thursday morning so there was only one more day of school after this before I could stay at home all weekend licking my wounds and missing the girl that's way too good for me.

"Nothing." I told him shrugging. I needed to keep my facade up. I am Damon Salvatore and nothing fazes me. Especially not a girl. The good thing is that the only one who knows it's a girl tying me up in knots it Klaus and he'd never tell anyone.

"Well good because I have a problem that I need you to solve for me." Mason told me and I sighed. Mason's problems were always girl related. He didn't have near the success with the opposite sex as I did. He was good, I'll admit that but for every one girl he's screwed around with, I've fucked three. It's just the way that it is and women just flock to me.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"How the hell did you mange to get Elena Gilbert to go out with you? I have to but the girl is a tough one to crack." He said shaking his head.

"You've been asking Elena out?" I asked him completely shocked. I had hoped his little fascination with my girl would have went away by now. I guess technically she's not my girl but whatever.

"I've been trying to but she slips away from me and hides before I even have a chance to talk to her. Tell me how you got to her so I can take her out and succeed in what you failed to do." He told me.

"Why should I give you my expertise?" I asked carefully.

"Since you're my buddy and we both know she needs to be freed from that pesky virginity." Mason explained and I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm not going to give you the advice to get into her bed. Besides it wouldn't happen anyway. You'll never sleep with her,, she's firmly attached to her virginity." I told my pal trying to hide my actual investment in the issue.

"Come on man. We've got to have each others backs." He insisted.

"Nope, I didn't have any help so you don't get any either." I said and Klaus stared at me with a smirk on his face. He knew exactly why I wasn't willing to help.

"Mikealson, how did he do it? You know everything about him pretty well." Mason demanded.

"Can't help you. I don't think this is a good idea." Klaus told him. Klaus always had my back and he knew without me even saying it that I wanted her back. I just didn't want the rest of the damn school lumping her together with all of my other conquests. For the first time ever I really regretted behaving like I do. If I hadn't slept with all those girls, I would have been able to go public with her without any problems at all. Yep, I'm an idiot. They say that hindsight is twenty/twenty, and it's true. I never would have played the manwhore if I'd known that I would meet Elena Gilbert and fall for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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