The Surrender

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Damon POV

Okay, here we go. Day two of seven in the "Make Elena Gilbert go on a date with me so I can sleep with her" plan. This was so not going according to plan, I was supposed to have already won this bet. But no, Elena was being stubborn and I had to admit I kinda liked it a little bit. It was something I hadn't really experienced before. Not that I enjoyed being turned down time after time after time. Today I was going to have to bring my A-game. I was actually running out of time and this was not going as well as it was supposed to. I artfully messed up my hair before walking out of my private bathroom and out of my room shutting the door behind me. The general rule in my family was that if the bedroom door is closed no one will enter. Unless my mother is home, then she just barges into my room whenever she feels like it. She feels like she has some sort of strange claim on me since I am her first born and admittedly the only child she likes or ever wanted. It sucks for Stefan and for that reason alone I feel bad for him. Everything else he brings on himself. When I got downstairs he was sitting at the table and I could see the explosion brewing behind his green eyes. I knew he was going to yell at me and honstly I've looked forward to it since yesterday since he saw me walking down the hallway with Elena.

"What the hell are you thinking Damon? She's mine. She was this close to liking me and then you swoop in and she wants nothing to do with me. What the hell is wrong with you Damon? Do you feel the need to sabotage everything I want?" Stefan yelled and I chuckled. It was better than I imagined. Did I feel bad that I was stealing the girl that Stefan wanted? Yes and no. I felt bad that I was going after a girl he wanted, but since it was Elena all bets were off. She was far too good for Stefan and he needed to learn to go after girls that were in his league. I was more the willing to teach him that lesson. Elena was in my league, she was leaps and bounds better than what Stefan should be able to get.

"Whoa calm down Steffie. Just think of it this way, I'm doing you a favour." I told him and that just seemed to piss him off more.

"You're doing me a favour? How the fuck do you even see that? I know you're selfish and all but I don't get how you can even see the logic in that one." Stefan yelled just as Giuseppe came down the stairs.
"What the hell are you yelling about Stefan?" He demanded as he carried his brief case. Clearly he was working again today, he was just leaving later than usual.

"Damon is interfereing in stuff that doesn't concern him." Stefan shouted.

"Stop shouting. What is Damon doing exactly?" Daddy dearest asked. In his defense we were both always innocent until proven guilty. He wouldnt' take Stef's side until he knew exactly what I did. I still maintain I was doing him a favour.

"He's stealing the girl I like!" He said raking his hands through his overdone hair.

"And I say I'm doing him a favour." I interjected.

"Why do you say your brother is stealing her from you?" Giuseppe asked.

"I claimed her. I wanted her and now he's just stepping in and wooing her completely." Stefan muttered.

"Wooing her? Really Stef?" I asked.

"Yes. Why can't you pick from the bevy of other girls that are always flocking her every move?" Stefan asked.

"They're boring. I want a girl who can keep up with me. Which she can. She's witty and smart. But most of all, she's a virgin. I want to pop that cherry." I said with a smirk on my face.

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