Just a Friend

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Damon Salvatore and I had been seeing each other for two weeks by now and it wasn't ideal but I was having fun. No one knew about us and the sneaking around was pretty sexy. We had made out in his car for a little while every day since we started seeing each other. When the both of us were at the Grill at the same time we would subtly go outside and make out. The make out sessions were good and I loved them but I wasn't ready to take that next step yet. I was nowhere near ready to give up my virginity for a guy who may or may not be my boyfriend. I carried my tray across the quad when he intercepted me and pulled me aside where no one could see us. We were against the side of the school away from the prying eyes.

"Come to the Falls tonight." He told me when I was pressed against the side of the school.

"Why?" I asked him.

"There is a party, I'll be there, so you should come and hang out." He told me.

"But we're not going to be together." I reminded him. My hands rested on his sides and I loved the freedom I had in touching him as long as no one else was around. It was definitely lacking several ideal factors but it was something at least.

"We'll steal some time." He told me and I sighed. I didn't want to tell him but I was honestly getting tired of hiding

everything from everyone. I've been lying to everyone I know for the past two weeks and it was starting to bother me. I was holding out hope that he would decide he wants to be public and exclusive soon enough.

"I don't have a way to get there and you can't come get me." I told him.

"Just give it a shot please. For me? I really want to see you tonight." He insisted leaning down and pressing a single, solitary kiss to me neck.

"I'll see what I can do." I sighed.

"Good, I think Chloe is coming. Ask her to drive you." He suggested and I nodded my head.

"Alright. I'll ask her." I told him and he kissed me on the lips, shoving his tongue between my lips. He had the presence of mind to hold my lunch tray while he kissed me, knowing that I tended to forget everything when his lips were on mine.

"I'll see you tonight." He said before walking away from me. I paused to catch my breath before walking out to join our friends.

"What happened to you? You were right behind me in the lunch line." Caroline demanded when I finally sat down after my dalliance with Damon beside the school.

"I got caught talking to a friend of mine." I told her not really lying.

"Which friend? I thought I was friends with all of your friends?" She asked suspiciously.

"Just a friend." I told her not willing to break the promise I made to him. If I wanted him to trust me enough to be public with me, I couldn't blab about us to anyone.

"You've been spending a lot of time with a friend lately." Caroline noted.

"I'm allowed to hang out with other people than you." I told her shaking my head. If I wasn't careful, all of Caroline's questions and jabs were going to get to me.

"So are either of you going to the party tonight?" Chloe asked, somehow having the instinct to rescue me from Caroline.

"Nope. Neither of us are going. I have plans with Tyler and Elena never goes to these things." Caroline answered for the both of them.

"Actually maybe I'll go with you tonight." I decided.

"Cool." Chloe said grinning at her.

"You're actually going to a party?" Caroline asked dubiously.

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