First Date

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Author: Okay, here we go. Another update! Let me know: which of my stories has been your favorite so far? Comment please! Remember, vote and comment and most importantly, enjoy! :)
Elena POV

"Ugh, Care you're supposed to be helping me find something to wear." I shrieked as I looked at the clock on my phone and saw that it was 6:30 already. Where had the time gone? Damon was scheduled to pick me up in around a half an hour and I was nowhere near ready. Caroline had invited herself over to help me get ready for my date but so far she was just sitting there watching me with a coy smile on her face.

"I will, I'm just too busy watching you." Caroline said peering at me closer than before.

"Why would you be watching me? You've seen me get ready for dates before." I shrugged unsure of what she was trying to do. Sometimes Caroline's plans or motives really confused me. But admittedly, they always got the job done.

"Number one, you keep calling this a date. Before you finally said yes to him you were calling it a game. Number 2, you're putting an awful lot of attention on making sure you look good, which is odd because it's just a game. You're reminding me

of the first time you went out with Matt. You're just as obsessive." She said knowingly and I shook my head.

"I do not like Damon Salvatore." I said but Caroline laughed and gestured to the daisy's the I still had sitting on my night stand. I had intended on throwing them out when I got home that night, but it never happened. I even caught myself smelling them from time to time.

"I think you do. I don't think you'll be able to go through with it. I think that you think it's a real date." Caroline said in a sing-song voice. Sometimes my best freind really irritated me.

"I do not. Besides it's not real for him. He's just looking to sleep with me. Which by the way is not going to happen. I take great pride in my virginity." I told her still trying to ignore the certain look on her face telling me that she was certain I was lying.

"I know you do. But I also think you're not as invested as you were into breaking him. I think somehow he got to you and

you're wishing me morphs into a good guy sometime before your date." Caroline said knowingly.

"Look, there is nothing between Damon and I. Nothing at all. He doesn't like me that way. He only wants sex from me and I understand that but that doesn't mean he's going to get it. I have a mission tonight and I have to see it through. Now help me get ready or leave, because I don't have time to listen to you psychoanalyze me." I told my friend irritated that she was beginning to see through the facade I had up. I knew there was more going on, I knew that I was developing unwanted feelings for him but that didn't mean I was ready to admit it. Feelings for Damon Salvatore just led you to getting your heart broken. It was the way things were even if I didn't want them to be that way.

"Fine. Wear this." Caroline said getting off of my bed and walking into my closet. She reappeared seconds later with a blue dress.

"Can't. It's casual, we're going to the Grill." I told her shaking my head. I loved the dress but I didn't want to be over-dressed. When he called earlier in the day I asked him what I should wear and he said go casual. Somehow that made me happy. He literally told me that I would look good in anything.

"What kind of date is that?" Caroline scoffed.

"I seem to remember that whenever you and Tyler go out, it's to the Grill." I noted.

"Well with him it's romantic. And because it's hard to get a table anywhere else. Mikealson's has a month long waiting list." Caroline said sitting back down on the bed as I walked into my closet.

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