Chapter 8

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P.O.V Narrator

The moon was shining in the sky during a dark night at the Lacombrade Academy, it was the only source of light that illuminated the rooms with the curtains open. It was past midnight, the silence was deafening, all the students were already in their rooms resting after another day. The nights at that school used to be very different than the mornings, which were always busy and noisy. The corridors that were full of students running during the day, were empty and dark, there were a few boys who dared to go out at night in the middle of that darkness. In the midst of all that peace and silence, there was someone who was having trouble resting peacefully. Carl's expression was no longer tired or relaxed as in the early evening, it was more like discomfort. The blankets were already messed up because of the movements that didn't stop, it was as if the boy was being disturbed in his sleep. His expression was frowning and agonized, his breathing was more intense.

Inside his head, he dreamed that he was alone in blank space which that had no beginning and no end. That place was empty and quiet, with a really light shade of white that his eyes hurt from staring so much.

The silence was agonizing, he always walked in a straight line but it was as if he did not move. Despite being an empty place, it gave him a feeling of sadness, or even an inability to not get out. But it was at that moment that the tranquility of the blank space disappeared, Carl kept walking, but as he stepped, crack appeared on the floor.The seemingly infinite white floor began to crack and break, causing pieces to fall into an endless dark limbo. The boy was scared and started running in the opposite direction from which he came, only to see that more and more pieces of the floor were breaking and falling.What would happen if he fell into that chasm? The answer was uncertain, and it scared him. There was nowhere else to run, the only blank space was gradually being destroyed, the sadness and emptiness he felt before had turned to fear.

Now there was only a small piece of the ground, where he could barely balance himself to keep from falling. It was inevitable, the last piece broke, taking him to what he believed to be an endless fall. But Carl didn't feel the impact of the floor or the sensation of falling, the only thing he felt was something holding him by the forearm. The boy had his eyes closed preparing to face the abyss, and after feeling himself being held by the arm, he raised his head to face what prevented him from falling. It was someone's arm, problably a student, as the jacket's sleeve was easily recognizable. However, he had no idea who could have saved him and even how that was possible, his first impulse was to ask.

"Serge?" - The dark haired boy asked without thinking, to him It seemed a little obvious that the pianist would have this attitude of helping him.

He got no answer, that's when he looked more closely at the hand that held him. It didn't look like Serge's hands, the skin color was lighter and they weren't thin and delicate as the Gypsy's hands. Carl had no idea who it might be, he tried to recognize the mysterious figure, but the more he looked up, the more his vision became bluerred.

The only thing that could be seen were unclear shapes, only the colors were recognizable. The last thing he could see in the fog was the dark blue of the school uniform and some warm colors just above, it looked like orange or red.That feeling was already dying, Carl's vision was slowly darkening was he heard his name called several times, the distant sound seemed to be getting closer and closer.He felt something on his shoulder, like a swing that tried to wake him up.

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