Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

P.O.V Narrator

Saturday morning had finally arrived, the snowflakes falling delicately on the windowsill, the windows of which were frozen. It was still early, but the sounds at the entrance to the school could wake anyone, most students had already woken up, it was a special day.

Carl Messier's eyes slowly opened, he looked away and saw his roommate asleep. He did not feel like getting up, he would rather sleep a little more since he had an extremely turbulent night.

He remembered everything that had happened at dawn, it was one of the most intense moments of his life, he had never imagined doing something like this. He could still feel the adrenaline rushing through his veins, he might think it was all a dream, but the marks in real life made it clear that it wasn't.

~ FlashBack from a few hours ago ~

Finally, they were ready, carrying flashlights and luggage while they sneaked silently through the trees. A pianist and a blond boy guided the rest of the group, who seemed tense and apprehensive, afraid of being discovered.

Carl was walking right behind Serge, who was heading toward the road past the forest. The religious boy held a suitcase in his right hand, and with his left, he held the hand of his younger brother, who with a lantern, lit the way.

A carriage was waiting for them at the side of the road, the coachman looked slightly tired, but a good amount of money made him recover his energy. It was a few minutes before midnight, everyone organized their bags quickly, while the couple prepared for the farewell.

This was the moment that everyone waited on, the moment that had been perfectly planned, and, above all, it was the moment that Carl feared the most. From now on he would not see them daily, he would not be sure that they would be safe inside their room, he would not know if they were eating properly or what could happen.

It scared him, but seeing them with looks so hopeful and determined to have a free life, was what gave him hope. Kurt, Neka, Pascal, Sebastian, and even Rosemariné moved from the comfort of their rooms to witness that scene, where they would leave aimlessly towards the unknown.

The White Prince was most benevolent in giving them a large sum of money so that they could survive alone in Paris. The pianist and his blond companion seemed tense and at the same time grateful for all that kindness, especially Gilbert, who seemed airy and didn't believe it was real.

The moment for the farewell had finally come, they would split up there, and they did not know of the possibility of a reunion someday.

"Promise that you will write as soon as you can!" - Kurt said, shaking their hands with an excited smile.

"If you get into trouble with someone, don't hesitate to call us, we will resolve it in person." - Neka spoke soon after, managing to make everyone laugh when it was least expected.

Serge looked at everyone with a wistful but cheerful expression at the same time, while Gilbert kept his serious face. But this time, he looked different, he seemed to be at peace or determined for the first time in a long time.

"In this box, there are medicines and some other things that I hope you don't need to use." - The red-haired scientist handed them the gift and received the exultant look of thanks.

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