Chapter 12

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P.O.V Narrator

The orange tones in the sky made it even more evident that the day was coming to an end, which somehow gave Carl a feeling of relief. He would just have to worry about controlling himself during dinner and then he could go back to his room. A night's sleep and rest was all he needed at the moment, he was upset by the recent events, but he would put a neutral expression on his face so as not to worry anyone or cause suspicion.Walking towards the dinning hall, the dark-haired boy acknowledged that his friends already had enough problems, especially the pianist and his blond companion, that he didn't want to be a concern in their lives anymore.

He had done this since he could remember, ignoring his own fears and desires in order to help those in need, which led to chronic fatigue. If they were in a book, Carl thought, he would probably be a minor character with little relevance to the protagonists' story.That kind of thinking depressed him, but he got used to it over time, keeping what he felt to himself was a habit in his life, and it wasn't like he felt comfortable sharing it even if he had the opportunity.

The place where meals were eaten was full of students, as it always was, the excess of people increased the temperature of the place, which was good during the coldest days.While looking for a place to sit, preferably close to his friends, Carl remembered that winter was approaching. The arrival of cold weather brought many things, such as snow and the holidays, but it was accompanied by the final exams and the graduation of the veterans.

That last thought reminded him of the scientist, who had not yet come to dinner, the religious boy wondered if his friend would fail another year. There was no doubt, the redhead assumed his decision to continue in Lacombrade, and this time it would be no different.Would be?His melancholy reflections are again removed from his mind when he sees familiar faces sitting at a rather empty table. He was a little surprised to see Gilbert beside Serge, as he had not seen him since he woke up, perhaps the pianist's insistence would have made him give in and attend dinner.

He was a few feet away, but he could clearly see the way they treated each other. They were always close, both physically and emotionally, it was enough to look with a little more attention to realize that they really had feelings for each other. What delighted Carl most was how Serge's presence managed to transform Gilbert, even though the changes were not noticeable at all, the religious boy could see a change in the blond boy's face.

He constantly said to himself and to others, especially when Gilbert was found in somewhat "complicated" situations, that the younger boy was not a bad person, just a little strange.He was proud of the fact that he was right, and as much as he doubted his own thoughts, he was glad that the blond boy had managed to rise and experience things he had never had before, such as friendship or love.

Perhaps it was selfish of him to want the pianist to be present in a way that went beyond simple friendship, when he imagined an alternating reality in a more realistic way, it just didn't seem right.The pain wouldn't go away instantly, but he felt a little lighter when he thought that way.

Carl came over and greeted his two friends, just after taking a deep breath and sitting down next. He struggled to appear as neutral as possible, and prayed inwardly that his face was not marked by the tears that had recently flowed.He sat facing them both, and was very grateful for not realizing that he was quieter than usual, and that he spent more time watching his plate than actually eating.It didn't take long and soon two more spaces at the table were filled, the presence of Kurt and Neka made the atmosphere much more relaxed, the pair's hilare aurea could drive Carl's dark thoughts away.

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