Stay (the movie, masterpiece)

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Kinda feel like Henry Letham from stayfor those who haven't seen the movie, *spoilers ahead*

So a character states, about henry that "Henry Letham has a fertile, powerful imagination. If he maintains his concentration, he will create new worlds with his art" 

So basically the henry gets into a car accident and while he's dying he creates an entire world of his own. 

and I feel like him cause that's what I do every time things get hard. Its basically like daydreaming but IDK I just close my eyes and create vivid pictures of a better life. I sound like freak. Glad you don't know me. But yes, I spend more time on this than I should. I mostly do this every time I breakdown and it kinda feels like alcohol, lovely when doing it but devastating once it ends yet i can't stop it. 

You should watch the movie tho, or maybe this link, it's just a review of every detail of the movie.


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