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I've always been fascinated by the smallest thing, as most people claim those things to be. It's getting almost hard to bear. 

I just want to capture what I see, but I'm no good at painting. Some might recommend photography but it's never the same. A photo never shows the features that make you; you, as they are, or as someone sees them. 

I never understood why people would paint, naked humans. But I feel like I understand it better. There is something about the curves and every line of your body that just makes your heart swell on another level. (I ain't horny bruh, haha)

How someone looks under the sunlight that's peeking into your room, with the tiny dust particles flying over their features. (drooling or not, you're still hot.)(tf that rhymed. ugh)

I just don't know how to not feel this way because it is getting overwhelming.

The feeling makes you want to cherish the person forever. Never letting them get hurt. As if they are fragile, made of glass, and would break with the slightest pressure. Makes you want to treat them like a 100-year-old painting, as art. 

I feel like that's how a person should be treated.

Now it's not just humans that I find strangely mesmerizing but also, well basically everything around me. The clouds, that look like cotton that kids hang with threads on science projects. The sun and how you can actually see the rays. People must think I'm insane or insanely deprived of things that are actually 'Fun' but I don't know, that can be the case but out of everything I've seen and everywhere I've been.

Things with such simplicity never cease to amaze me and I don't think they ever will.

I don't have a large vocabulary hence I can't really explain what I'm exactly feeling. But whatever.


Ps I'm dumb

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