The Free Spirit

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From the Rockies to Appalachia she roams
The free spirit
Never one to stay home
All the Earth is her backyard, free for her to roam
As she hikes through the hillsides, sleeps among trees,
she finds herself truly, truly free

O Daughter of the Sky, Child of the Earth
I hope one day you'll see your worth as you roam this world untethered, light as a feather, spreading joy to everyone you meet as you go

O Free Spirit, Dearest One that I Love,
It seems you were sent to me from the stars above as you echo the songs of praise sung by the birds sitting in the trees,
and the twinkle in your eyes never fails to bring me to my knees

O Eagle of the Wind, Traveler of the Plains
drifting endlessly through the world, following the rains as they nourish the land, bringing up grass and bushes and trees,
And like Johnny before you, you scatter the seeds
of the world that is yet to be, that you will create, well, you and me.

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