The Lovesick Poet

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Why does he cry?
The Lovesick Poet
Why do tears stain
his eyes and his pillowcase?

He longs for someone,
he has longed for so long.
To be reunited
with his dearest one.

He misses her smile,
he misses her hair.
He misses the radiance
she brings to the air.

He misses her laugh,
her breath, and her song.
For all of this,
he longs and will long.

Why does he hurt?
The Lovesick Poet
Why can't he speak
without breaks in his melody?

She is so near,
but yet feels so far.
Blocked by stone walls,
Oh, how strong they are!

He cries and he wonders
and wonders and waits
and wishes for her
to become his fate.

He wishes, he whispers
he whispers in pain
Oh, how he longs
to see her again!

Why does he mourn?
The Lovesick Poet.
He cannot finish his poem.

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