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Why is it possible to love someone so much
When the person you love would throw you into the dust?
Surely there must be some cosmic dissonance? A strain caused by the pain I feel; a current caused by inequality?

Oh if only osmosis applied to emotion, and my greater concentration could flow into her and equalize us, that we may balance each other out

Where would that lead? Where is our equilibrium?
One could never know without measuring each of our affections;
but mine are immeasurable; indescribable; infinite and without end,
and hers are infinitesimal by comparison, just enough to call me a friend.

Oh if osmosis applied to emotion, i'd be in a more stabilized place;
One where my sentiments aren't poisoned by doubt; where my mind wouldn't call my heart a disgrace.

Yet our system is kept in ever-tension, a perpetual energy potential within me, trying to break free,
but with nowhere to go, all it can do is hope
that one day equilibrium may be reached.

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