Favorite Quotes

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My favorite quotes from the show/movie!! Warning: there will be swearing!!

"We can't google stuff in 1942, you asshat!" -England
"I once killed a man with his own mustache and a grape." -Germany
"China take all. You can go home now." -China
"Maple!" -Canada
"Your grandma sounds hot!" -America
"This weatherman is predicting a 99% chance of shitstorm and it's coming right at you!" -Romano
"Britain totally got a star stuck in his head! That's badass!" -America
"Dumbledora the explora." -England
"Smack, smack, smack, smack!" -France
"I will beat you with my peace prize." -Switzerland
"You're procrastinating. Just shut up and say my name." -Norway
"Okay, boys! All of our drink are gonna be on Icey until he says it!" -Denmark
"Ho ho ho!" -Finland
"The government is the sails, the people the wind, and time the sea. As long as there are people to repair the ship, it can be used forever." -France
"Hetalia forever!" -Italy
"I hate you so much!" -Romano
"Am I Catholic or Protestant? God, I don't know." -England
"I am going to do fighting." -Russia

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