A Convo w/ my OCs

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Me: *is looking at hot pictures of Denmark*

Skiathos: Cookie! Hey, Cookie!

Me: What?

Skiathos: *sees computer on a picture of Denmark shirtless, laying on the ground, staring at something in the distance, biting part of the chain of the necklace with the crown he always wore*

Farore Islands: *sees picture* Umm, Cookie? Why are you looking at pictures of my big brother like that?

Me: *blushes and quickly closes out of google*

Cesia: Cookie, were you looking at sexy pictures of your crushes again?

Me: *covers Farore Islands' ears* Cesia!

Malaysia: *covers Skiathos' ears* Cesia, filter! There are children in the room!

Cesia: *smiles mischievously*

Me: ...DON'T YOU DARE!!!

Cesia: *pulls out her phone*

Malaysia: This is what you get, Cookie.

Cesia: *hits send on her phone*

Me: Oh, you little...

Cesia: *phone vibrates and looks down at the phone with a smile*

Malaysia: *looks at phone and smiles*

Cesia: *turns the phone to me* I told him you wanted to go out with him.

Me: *reads Denmark's response* 'Tell her I'd love to ;P!'

Hetalia Rants and RandomnessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora