What the Hetalia Characters Taugt Me

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The Axis:
Italy taught me to rely on my friends no matter what. He also taught be how to be the peacemaker in any situation. Make pasta, not war!
Germany taught me how to be strong not just physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. He taught me to protect my friends no matter how difficult it may be and how to take charge.
Japan taught me that I can have time to myself, even if people don't like me for it. He taught me that the other, more quiet side of me is something to be proud of and that my natural politeness is a good thing.
Prussia taught me how to be awesome. He taught me that I am awesome no matter what anybody says. I can be who I want to be.
Romano taught me that it's okay to have insecurities. There's always going to be the one person in your life you know you can count on.

The Allies:
America taught me how to take pride in myself for all of my accomplishments. He also taught me how to listen to other people's ideas even if I don't like them and that I can be a hero in my everyday life.
Canada taught me that it's okay not to fit in with everybody else. He taught me how to stand up for myself and make myself noticed.
England taught me how to stay passionate about something, even if people say I'm not good at it. He taught me that magic is everywhere and sometimes there are going to be people in our lives who we don't like, but we have to stick it out until the end.
France taught me how to love and how to express it to the world. It doesn't matter who you are or your sexuality. Love is love and love is beautiful.
Russia taught me that even if people think I'm weird and creepy, I'm still me. He taught me that family is something to be cherished.
China taught me that being mature is the best way to solve any problem. He taught me that even if you think your friends are immature and stupid, they will always be there to help you.

The Nordics:
Denmark taught me how to be loud and proud! He taught me how to defend the people I care for.
Norway taught me that discipline for those who need it is perfectly fine. He also taught me that it's okay to seem emotionless sometimes. How you express yourself is your choice.
Finland taught me how to always have the holiday spirit and to be cheerful no matter what.
Sweden taught me that I can be somewhat creepy and stern but completely lovable at the same time.
Iceland taught me how to love somebody, even if you're embarrassed to admit it.

Other Germanics:
Lichtenstein taught me to tell my family how much I love them as often as I can.
Switzerland taught me to love my siblings with all my heart, even if I keep it to myself.
Austria taught me that the expression of yourself is completely up to you. He taught me to take pride in what I love.
Hungary taught me that even though I'm a girl, I can still do all the same things the guys can. I can be just as strong as they are.

All Others:
Spain taught me how to love the people who don't fit in with the crowd. He taught me that always staying positive and wearing a smile could brighten the day of the person who needs it most.
Seychelles taught me how to ignore the haters. I'm beautiful no matter what they say.
Sealand taught me how to chase my dreams and to never give up on what I believe in.
Hong Kong taught me that, like fireworks, everybody is different. That's what makes the world so beautiful.
Australia taught me that nature is beautiful and that staying indoors your whole life is bad, even if you don't like the outdoors.
Ukraine taught me to love my body. I'm perfect the way I am and nobody can tell me otherwise.

Hetalia changed my life. It was the first anime series I started watching and I have to thank my friend Rachinni2 for getting me into anime and manga and all that stuff. I know I didn't put every character up, but each and every one taught me something about life or they helped me to discover more about myself, things I hadn't known before.
Keep Calm and Love Hetalia<3

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