1. The beginning

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In Thunderclan camp:

"Blueberry!" Ink shouted trying to find his friend. Blueberry came out of the warriors den and said, "yes ink what do you want" he said sightly tired. "I need you to make a morning patrol because we are running low on food" Ink explained. Blue stretched and nodded going back into the warriors den to wake some cats up. The only cats who got up was Fresh and Geno, "why did you have to wake us up so early?" fresh asked still sleepy. "Yea i was having a good dream" Geno said, "sorry but Ink wanted me to start a morning patrol to get some food for the clan and you guys are the only ones who got up." Blueberry said. Fresh and Geno both looked at each other and sighed and nodded. Blue smiled, they then stared to the entrance of the camp. after they got through the entrance Blueberry asked, "so who's going where?". "i guess i'll go to the sunning rocks" Fresh said stretching, "i'll go to snake rocks" Geno said, blue nodded and said, "i'll go near the thunder path." Fresh and Geno looked each other then looked back at blue nervously, blue noticed this and chuckled, "i know the thunder path is dangerous that's why i'm going to try and stay off it." Blue explained. Fresh and Geno were still reluctant but nodded. they then went their separate ways. When blue got near the thunder path he smelled a mouse, he followed the sent but it ended up going over the thunder path so he didn't follow it. Later while he was still looking around he ended up smelling another mouse and it did not go over the thunder path so he followed it. Once he found the mouse he crouched down and quietly stepped closer to the mouse, once he got near enough he pounced on the mouse biting it on the neck killing it. After blueberry killed the mouse he wanted to put it somewhere so he can hunt some more, he decided to put it under some leaves. After he did that decided to hunt some more. Later blue caught some more prey, so he decided to go back to the camp when he hear something, he then heard a deep voice say, "well well well what to we have here." It came from one of the bushes, "w-who's there?" blue stuttered, the voice chuckled, a figure then came out of one the bushes and blue recognized the figure, it was Nightmare the leader of Shadowclan. Nightmare chuckled and nuzzled blueberry head causing blue to blush. Nightmare chuckled again and said, "why blue, why are you so close to the thunder path?" he asked. Blue didn't say anything he was frozen with fear, nightmare chuckled again and said, "Blue you are so beautiful why don't you join Shadowclan and be my mate?". Blues face was completely blue after Nightmare said that, nightmare nuzzled blues head again saying, "Why don't you think about it ok?" he asked. Blue still didn't say anything he was still frozen with fear which Nightmare found cute. Nightmare nuzzled blues head again and walked towards the Shadowclan territory. After nightmare was gone blue unfroze still blushing but he decided to ignore it and get back to the camp before it get too dark. Once he got back to the camp both Ink and Dream ran towards him, "where were you we were so worried when you didn't come back with both Geno and Fresh!" Ink said. "are you alright your not hurt are you?" Dream said worriedly. Blue chuckled gently and said, "Yes i'm fine i just wanted to hunt for a lot of food for the clan." he lied. Ink and Dream looked at each other then looked back at blueberry smiling gently at him. Once blue put the prey he caught he decided to go rest in the warriors den. Later that night while every other cat was sleep blue was still up trying to think why Nightmare said the words he said. Blue decided to shake it off and go to sleep, he would worry about it in the morning for now he just needed some rest.

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