7. Caught and Exiled

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Hello everyone, if your wondering why I haven't updated my book in a while its because I've been very busy with work and now school. So if I don't update this book in a while again its either because I've been busy with work and school or because I don't know what to do for the next chapter. I hope you can forgive for not updating this book in a long while. Now then lets get into the next chapter of 'Secret Love', I hope you enjoy.

Blueberry POV:

It's been any moons since Nightmare and I seen each other at fourtrees and since then we have been seeing each other at our normal meeting spot, near the thunderpath. However since then I have been feeling off like someone is watching me wherever I go, but none the less I still go to see nightmare at the thunderpath.

No ones POV:

It was a warm morning in Thunderclan blue was sleeping in the warriors den. Blue started to slowly open his eyes flinching slightly at the brightness of the sunlight. Once blue was fully wake he got up and headed out of the warriors den and started to make his way towards the kill pile. Once blue got to the kill pile he picked out a small mouse and started to make his way to his usual spot where he eats. After blue was done eating his breakfast ink called him.

Blueberrys POV:

After I was done eating my breakfast ink called me so I started to make my way towards him. Once I got to him he said, "Blue i'm going to need you to make a morning patrol." I nodded however when I looked at dream he looked uneasy worried almost. I asked him, "Are you alright dream." he flinched and looked at me and smiled weakly saying, "Yes i'm fine i just haven't been getting much sleep these days." I looked at him confused and was about to say something else to him until he said, "It's nothing you need to be worried about i'll be ok." I looked at him worriedly but still I nodded and started my way towards the warriors den and woke up Geno, fresh and classic. Geno yawned and asked, "well what do you need this time blue?" I looked at him and said, "We need to go patrol." Geno yawned again but nodded, he smiled tiredly. I smiled back at him, we then started to make our way towards the border and started to make our way out of it. Once we were on the other side i said, "I'll go to the Thunderpath." "i'll go near sunning rocks." fresh said. I nodded and looked at Geno and classic, "you two can patrol where ever you want i guess." they nodded, we then started to head our separate directions however what they don't know is that i'm mainly going to the Thunderpath just to see Nightmare. Once I got close to the thunder path I then started to smell nightmares scent. I smiled and said, "you can come out now Nightmare." after I said that he came out of a bush near the Thunderpath. He smiled once he saw me, he then walked up to me and nuzzled my head saying, "Hows my cute little blueberry." I blushed at what he said. "i'm doing fine what about you." he sighed and said, well things in shadowclan have i bit tough like we have been trying to get some food but every time one of my warriors get close to one it ends up running away." I frowned at what he said, "do you want me to catch some food for you and your clan?" I asked. Nightmare smiled gently and said, "No blue you don't have to do that we'll be fine." I looked but sighed and nodded. I looked up at him and smiled gently, "well can I at least catch some food for you?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled saying, "yea I suppose I wouldn't mind that." I nodded and started to look for a mouse or a small bird, once I saw a mouse I crouched down and slowly started to make my way towards it. After I caught the mouse i started to make my way back to nightmare with a mouse clamped in my mouth. I set it in front of nightmare who started to eat some of it, he then looked at me and asked, " do you want some?" I shook my head saying, "no thanks i already had a mouse for breakfast." nightmare nodded and kept eating the mouse. Once he was done eating we both decided to take a small rest so we both laid down and fell asleep.

Fresh's POV (After they went their separate ways):

After we started to go our separate ways I started my way towards sunning rock to meet up with error. Once I got there I asked, "error are you here?" I then heard something rustling in the bush beside me then something jumped out at me I yelped and fell onto my back. I then opened my eyes to see it was error smiling at me, he got off of me so I could get up. After I got up I looked at him and smiled and asked, "hello error how are you?" he smiled and said," i'm doing alright." I the heard his stomach growl, I looked at him in confused and worried way, "are you hungry because if so I can catch you some food." I said, he looked at me and chuckled, "no that's alright fresh." he stomach growled again, "actually I could go for a small mouse." he said, I chuckled and rolled my eyes playfully. I then turned and started to try and find a small mouse, once I found I lowered myself towards the ground and crawled towards it. Once I got close enough I pounced and bit it in the throat killing it. I then started to make my way back towards error who was waiting for me. Once I got back to him I put the mouse in front of him, he the started to eat it. once he was done we started to chat about our clan and what was going on in both of them.

After sometime we decided that its time the we both go back our own clans. after saying our goodbyes we started to make our way to our clans. Once I got into thunderclan everyone looked at me worriedly I was confused as to why they looked at me that way but Ink then started his way towards me and asked, "fresh have you seen blue or dream?" I was more confused and shook my head. Ink sighed and nodded, he then turned and started to make his way towards his den. I was still confused but none the less made my way towards the warriors den thinking of how blueberry and dream both could be missing.

Blueberry's POV:

After a while of sleeping with nightmare I woke up and yawned and looked at nightmare and smiled. "wake up nightmare." I said gently, he then started to wake up and looked at me and smiled at me and nuzzled my head and licked my cheek. I blushed at his actions and said, "well I guess I best be getting back to my clan before they start to worry about me again." I nightmare looked at me and nodded, he nuzzled and head and said, "i guess I should to." Just then i heard something behind me so i looked and saw...Dream! I was surprised and scared knowing that he knows that i have been seeing nightmare. "I knew something was up with you!" he shouted, he then turned and started running towards thunderclan. Startled I looked back at nightmare and said, "sorry I need to go." he nodded. I then started to run after dream but I knew it was too late he was going to tell ink and I was going to be in a of trouble. So many thoughts were running threw my head that I didn't even notice than I was in front of the thunderclan border, after I noticed I gulped nervously and started to make my way through it however once I was on the other I saw every cat in front of the high rock. Looked at everyone all of their faces were a mix between anger and disappointment. "Blueberry step forward!" Ink shouted, I flinched at his tone of voice and stepped forward to wards the high rock. I looked up see ink who looked like he was going to explode with anger, I gulped nervously again and said, "Y-yes ink?" I asked fear clear in my voice. "Dreams tells me that you have been seeing a cat from another clan is that correct?" Ink asked his voice a bit more clam but still had anger in it. I nodded my head and looked at dream who was sitting next to Ink, dream didn't look very angry then disappointed. Ink gritted his teeth and growled saying, "so be it then from this day forward you are longer a Thunderclan cat!" ink shouted. I looked at him in surprise and sadness, tears started to form in the corners of my eyes. " now go, crawl to the that you are more loyal to!" ink hissed, for some reason I couldn't help but feel a new emotion one I have never felt to towards ink, it was...anger. I glared at ink and dream and then looked at everyone in then clan, everyone look angry at me except geno and fresh. I looked at them confused but ink spoke again causing me to look at him. "you were once a noble deputy of thunderclan Blueberry but now you are just a traitor, a traitor that can never be forgiven, now go run away, I never want to see you in thunderclan territory again!" With that ink turned his head away from me. I glared at him again and turned and started my way towards the border. I turned me head again to look at everyone then started my way through the border. Once I was on the other side I started my way to the thunderpath, I then made my way over it. Once I was on the other side I started my way towards Shadowclan. Once I was close to the border I then smelled nightmares scent. I then heard something beside me, I looked and saw two familiar blue eyes. I smiled and said, "hello nightmare." he came out of the bush he was in and smiled at me, "hello blueberry." he frowned and asked, "what are you doing in shadowclan territory?" I frowned and lowered my head and said, "i got exiled from my clan." Nightmare looked and me in shock, he then nuzzled my side and licked my head, "well if you want you can join shadowclan." he suggested, I looked at him and smiled, "thank you nightmare I would love to join your clan." he smiled back at me and we made our way towards the border. once we go onto the other side some of the cats started to walk towards us. "blue you can go to my den and rest." nightmare said, I nodded and made my way to his den under the high rock. once I was in there I laid down on his nest and started to fall asleep.

Nightmare POV:

After blue went into my den i called everyone for a clan meeting. Once everyone was here i told why blue was here again. they were all very upset knowing that blue got exiled just for seeing me. I told them that he is going to be staying with us from now on. everyone agreed, i then told everyone that the clan meeting was dismissed. After i said that everyone went back to what they were doing before and i decided to join blue in my den. Once i got their i saw that he was asleep so i decide to sleep with him so i laid next to him and curled my tail around him and fell asleep.

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