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In Shadowclan camp

nightmares pov:

I heard a noises near the Thunderpath so I decided to check it out. Once I got there i saw blueberry getting attacked by a badger! I wanted to help him but I knew I could not fight the badger alone even with blueberry help I feared we could not defeat it so I decided to get some of my warriors to help me weither they like it or not. I ran back to camp as fast I could and yelled, "Dust, killer, horror come here now!" they all ran to me and said "what do you need?" "we need to go help someone!" I said. they all looked me confused, I then started my way to wards the thunderpath. Once we got there I saw blue on the ground in pain and the badger coming near. I growled, dust then asked "are we saving blueberry?!" I looked at him and nodded. He looked at me angerly but he decided not say anything. I then ran across the thunder path with my warriors behind me. Once we got close enough we pounced towards the badger. Killer jumper on its back biting it hard, the badger howled in pain. Dust bit and scratched its legs so did horror. I decided to go to blue, once I got him he looked at me in confusion I just leaned down and nuzzled his head. Blue groaned slightly in pain I could tell he was in pain, his back left leg must of gotten bit my the badger. Blue tried to get up but fell down, I just bit him on the scruff on his neck and put him on my back he passed out on my back. I looked back at my warriors Dust looked at me and nodded, I nodded back and took blueberry back to Shadowclan camp to get his healed up. I knew everyone in my clan was going to question me about why I brought a Thunderclan cat into shadowclan but all i'm caring about is blue getting healed up. Once I got back into camp I headed straight towards the medicine den. Once I got there cross looked at me in confusion as to why I brought thunderclan cat in to camp but he didn't ask he just started healing blues wounds. I just hope blue will be ok.

Blueberry's pov:

I woke up in a strange place that didn't smell of thunderclan. I looked around and smelled the air, I then realized that i'm in Shadowclan camp. I was scared and confused as to why i'm in Shadowclan camp, I remembered that nightmare and his warriors saved me from the badger, but why did he bring me into Shadowclan camp? So many questions where going through my head so much so that I didn't notice a figure coming near me. "So how are you feeling?" a voice asked, I looked around and saw a cat with red and white eyes. "I'm doing fine thank you" I answered. The tom nodded, I asked "who are you and why am I in Shadowclan?" The tom looked at me and said " I am cross medicine cat of Shadowclan and you are here because nightmare brought you here." I was even more confused, "why did he bring me here?" Cross just shrugged and said "I'm not sure nightmare just brought you here so i healed you." I looked at him confusion but i then remembered the injury on my back leg. I look at my injured leg it had some leaves on it, I then looked cross and said "thank you for healing me" he nodded and smiled a little. Another cat came in but this time I knew who it was, it was nightmare. The dark furred leader came towards me with a worried look on his face he then asked, "are you ok blue?" I looked at him and nodded my head, he smiled gently at me. Nightmare came closer to me and nuzzle my head, I blushed. he smiled at me, I then asked him, "hey nightmare why did you bring me here while you were fighting the badger?" he looked at me and said, "because while my warriors were fighting the badger I decided to check on you and I saw that you had an injury on you back leg so I decided to bring you into my camp to get you healed." I was a little confused with something and asked, "but why didn't you just bring me back to thunderclan?" he looked at me and said, "well one because thunderclan would not welcome me very well and two because you were bleeding very badly and shadowclan was closer." I looked at him in supprise and I couldn't help but blush but it wasn't the normal blush I usually give to him it was a blush of one would give to those they love. I smiled gently at nightmare and said, "thank you." He smiled and nuzzled my head again, I couldn't help but giggle softly. Nightmare smiled and licked my head, I blushed at him and I smiled as well. Nightmare then got behind me and laid down putting his head on my back, I smiled and chuckled at him. he looked at me and said, "you should get some rest baby blue" I blushed at the nick name. Nightmare smiled at my reaction and gently licked my ear, I couldn't help but giggle and blush. I then rested my head on the nest i was on and Nightmare put his head on my back and wrapped his tail around mine. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I kept wondering something, 'am I starting to fall in love with nightmare?' I looked at him and smiled at my thoughts about me falling in love with nightmare, I then closed my eyes and fell asleep with nightmare with me.

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