8. Thunder vs Shadow

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Sometime after blue got exiled from thuderclan he's stayed in shadowclan with nightmare and his warriors. Even though it's been some moon blue still feels angry for being exiled. However even though he is still angry he's been hanging out with the other other Shadowclan warriors. Horror, error and dust have teaching blue new ways to hunt. Cross has been teaching him many things about how to take care of other cats when injured. And nightmare has been caring for blue and want to help him get revenge on ink and dream.

Blue was talking with horror and dust when they noticed nightmare walking towards them. They looked at him and asked, "yes nightmare?" Once nightmare was close enough to them he said, "I wish to speak with blue in my den." Blue nodded and said his goodbyes to horror and dust. He then made his way with nightmare to his den. Once inside blue asked, "what is it nightmare?" Nightmare looked at him and asked, "blue do you still want to get revenge on thunderclan?" Blue looked at the ground and a small growl could be heard from him. He looked up and nodded, nightmare nodded back and smiled. "I'll get my warrior ready and then we can make our way to Thunderclan. Blue nodded and made his way out of the den nightmare following after. Nightmare then jumped on the highrock and called out, "let all those cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the highrock for a clan meeting!" After a minute every cat including blue was beneath the highrock and listening. "As you all know blue got exiled from this just for falling in love with me!" Nightmare shouted. As soon as he finished every one started shouting and yowling in anger. "Quiet!" Nightmare yelled and every cat quieted down though there were still small growls coming from some cats. "Blue and I have decided that we should get revenge on thunderclan!" Every cat howled in agreement. "So those i'm going to have every warrior come with us to fight. Nightmare looked at his warriors, "does anyone want to back out?" Anyone looked at each other but none said anything. "Good." Nightmare said. He jumped off the highrock and said, "we will be leaving soon so if you haven't gotten anything to drink or eat i suggest to do so now." Every cat nodded and did as they were asked. Nightmare looked at blue who smiled and walked up to him. "I love you nightmare." He said nuzzling in his fur. Nightmare purred and licked blue head.

After sometime ever cat was ready. Nightmare looked at all of his warriors and asked, "is everyone ready?" All the cats howled and growled showing that they were ready for anything. Nightmare smiled slightly and they started to make their way out of shadowclan. Once they got to the Thunderpath they all looked for monsters before crossing it. Once everyone was across nightmare looked at his warriors making sure no got hit by a monster or left behind. After doing his head count they continued their way towards thunderclan. After a few minutes they reached the thunderclan border. Nightmare looked at blue who was glaring at the border and nightmare could hear him growling a bit. Nightmare looked back at the border and made his way through it. Once on the other side nightmare shouted, "attack!" Every shadowclan warrior ran out of the bush and ran towards the thunderclan cats who yelped in suprise as they not expecting any attacks.

Blues POV:
After nightmare told everyone to attack i ran straight towards dreams den. Once I got their he looked at me in suprise. I crouched down and jumped at him. He yelped and fell on back, I was on top of him. I scratched his cheek and bit a piece of his ear off. He yelped in pain, I bent towards his ear and hissed, "you're going to pay for what you did." His eyes widenef in shockand fear, but he scratch me in the face. I yelped and got off him, he got up and ran off but once he got out he froze. Shadowclan warriors were attacking, "heh heh heh" I chuckled coldly. He looked back at me fear in his eyes, "whats the matter dream? I expected more bravery from one who got me exiled" I growled. I then leaed at him again and pushed him to the ground, he yelped again and tried to push me off but I wouldn't budge, I wanted to see him suffer for what he did. I wanted to kill him just as I was about to bite his neck someone tackled me to ground. I looked to see it was fresh, his shoulder was bleeding and a small piece of his ear was torn. I growled to tried to get him off me by scratching him. He winced but he didn't move, he then scratched me on my side causing me to yelp in pain. He then scratched me on my cheek making me wince. He then bent down toward my ear and said, "I'm on your side." I looked at him confused and suprised. If he was on my side then why he attacking me? I wondered, "I just need to bend in with other thunderclan cats." He said as if he read my thoughts. He then got off me and made his way toward dust. I stood up still shocked but snapped out of it quickly. I shook my head and looked around, nightmare was attacking ink so I decided I'd go help him. I ran toward them, nightmare had ink to the ground but ink was hissing and scratching him. Nightmare looked over and noticed me and smiled and got off of ink a hit but still kept his paws on him. As I walked towards ink a felt cold ice in my veins and the to kill him and dream. Once I was once top of him I unshethed my claws and scratched him on the throat he gasped and gurgled as blood pooled out of his body. I smiled and looked at the blood on my claws, I licked it and smiled more. Nightmare smiled and looked around to see all his warriors fighting other cats. Dust was fight both geno and fresh and error was fighting classic and everyone else was helping or fighting other cats. Nightmare and I looked and each and nodded, "shadowclan we have done enough here it time we go back to our camp." Nightmare yelled. Every groaned or grunted but obeyed and made their way out of the camp. Nighrmare and I were last to go but before I left I looked back and saw fresh looking at me and he was smiling? I then remembered what he said to me , 'I'm on your side.' Thoughts started to go through my head so much so that I didn't notice that we crossed the thunderpath. 'Is fresh secretly a shadowclan cat??' I though as we headed back to camp. I looked up to see that we were approaching the Shadowclan border. Once we were to the other side we all headed to the medicine cats den. Cross was to see everyone with so many injuries but he healed everyone. I winced as he put some moss on the cut on my side. "Sorry" he said. I smiled showing him that it was ok. After he was done I yawned, "you better get some sleep" cross said. I nodded and rested my head on my nest. I then felt someone else with me in the nest I looked to see that it was nightmare who smiled. I smiled back and put my nose on his. I yawned again and rested my head back on my nest. Nightmare curling his tail with mine and he snuggled against me. We both fell asleep.


Back in thuderclan:
No ones POV:
Little does blue know that ink didn't die when he slit his throat. Ink is resting in the medicine cats den with dream tending to his wounds.
Fresh is in the warriors den sleeping and wondering when he can go see error again. Fresh has a cut on him leg and his left is torn a bit but nothing to bad. Dream put a few leaves on them and told him to go rest for the night.

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