4. Healed and Confessing

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Narrators POV:

Its been a few moons since the incident with the badger and blue getting hurt but ever since that day blue has been staying in Shadowclan. Ever since blue got hurt he has been staying in the medicine den with cross and nightmare. Each day nightmare would come and check on blue to make sure nothing is wrong with him. Nightmare would usually come check on blue in the morning, afternoon, and would sleep with him during the night. Nightmare would even bring blue some things such as food. The main types of food nightmare would bring blue is either one squirrel and two mice. Blue was always thankful for everything nightmare did, he is even starting to have some feelings for nightmare. Ever since blue has been staying in the medicine den his leg has been feeling a lot better but he still doesn't want to start walking around just in case he could hurt his leg even more than it already is. However the cats in Thunderclan are worried sick about blueberry especially Ink and Dream. Ink keeps making his warriors search for blue but some of them keep thinking that blue is dead. Some of the cats in Thunderclan think blue got killed by a bird or fox or even by another cat but few still believe he is still alive such as Geno and Fresh. But what they don't realize is that Fresh already knows blue is still alive because he goes to see Error, his mate, near the thunder path, he asks how blue is doing error always says that blue is doing fine and healing well. Every time fresh goes to see error he make sure he is not followed and when he goes back he does his best to hide the Shadowclan smell on him by rolling in dirt and leaves. Fresh knows that this is against the warrior code and he could get killed or exiled or he could go to the Dark Forest by seeing error but he can't help it he is in love wit him and has even been pondering on weather or not to have some kits with him but none the less he still loves error and error loves him. Back in Shadowclan blue and nightmare have been getting close, blue has even been starting to have some feelings for nightmare he wants to confess but he is too nervous to do so. Nightmare on the other hand loves blue and will do anything to keep him same even if it means risking his own life to save blue. Blue has been nervous cause he fears the if he goes back to Thunderclan he will get in trouble and they might find out he has been with Shadowclan cause of the smell on him, he also fears of being exiled from his clan. Nightmare always tells him the if he even gets exiled from his clan he can always come back to Shadowclan and live with him. Blue was grateful for what nightmare told him and relaxed knowing that even if he gets exiled from his clan he will still have a place to go and stay. Both blue and nightmare really do care for one another but blue is to shy to tell nightmare about his feelings towards him fearing that nightmare would get mad at him or that if nightmare is with someone else, however everything nightmare has done for him has made him rethink his thoughts about nightmare not loving him. Blue just hopes that Nightmare really does love him and that he will feel the same as he does.

In Shadowclan medicine den

Blueberry's POV:

I was in the medicine den debating on weather or not to tell nightmare that I love him, part of me wants to but another part of me does not fearing that if I tell him he would get mad at me and not want to talk to me again, but ever since the incident with the badger nightmare has been worried about me. He comes to check on me several times a day, he even brings me food when it is needed. I want to tell him but i'm still afraid to tell him. 'I need to tell him or else I won't get this pressure off my back' I thought to myself, 'but when should I tell him and will he love me back' another thought of mine said I sighed knowing there is a constant war in my mind about weather or not to tell nightmare about my feelings but I know that I need to tell him sooner or later. 'I'll tell him once he comes to check on me' I told myself. I decided to lay down and rest knowing that it would be a little bit till nightmare comes to check on me.

Sometime later in the after noon when I woke up from a nap Nightmare came to check on me with a squirrel in his mouth. He put the squirrel in front of me, I smiled at him he smiled back. after I was done eating I said, "hey nightmare can I talk to you about something?" He looked at me and said, "Of course blue what is it?" I looked down nervously voices in my mind constantly saying about not to tell nightmare and to tell night, I looked back at nightmare who looked confused. I sighed and said, "I love you nightmare I really do love you, ever since you helped me healed up and you bringing me some things like food I have been falling in love you." After i said that I looked at nightmare who looked shocked, I looked away my eyes started to water. "Blue" I heard nightmare say, I looked at him and once i did he kissed me! I was so surprised and happy at the same time, I kissed him back once we stopped we were both blushing, nightmare was smiling and so was I. I was happy knowing that he loved me back, "I love you to blue" he said. Nightmare then got a little bit closer and started licking my neck I blush and giggled since I was ticklish on my neck "Nightmare hehehe stop." I said while giggling, once he stopped he looked at me and smiled, he then licked my head. Dust then came into the medicine den and said, "nightmare we need you on patrol." Nightmare growled slightly I couldn't help but giggle knowing he wanted to stay with me a little more but none the less he sighed and said to Dust, "Fine get some warriors ready for the patrol." Dust nodded and left, Nightmare then looked at me and said, "sorry blue got to go." I nodded nightmare smiled and kissed me I blushed, nightmare chuckled and nuzzled my head and turned around to the entrance of the medicine den. Once he got to the entrance he turned and winked at me, I blushed even more and turned my head another direction nightmare chuckled again and exited the medicine den. I sighed and laid down on my nest still blushing from nightmare, I decided to rest and would talk to nightmare more later.

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