A Gift From Me To You

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(It's Friday, and Friday is Bonzo Day! This is a headcanon I came up with a few months ago when I realised we didn't get to see Zander in Z2 :( Here's a little explanation for why~)


The day of the block party was the best day of Zoey's life, for no other reason than that was the day Puppy came along. Her pet. Her real pet. Since then, she hadn't let him out of her sight, save for school.

Zander had been sitting on a shelf in her bedroom for days.

It wasn't that she didn't love Zander anymore, it was just that Puppy needed more attention. He needed to be fed, and walked, and cleaned up after, and trained, and played with. Zander hadn't needed any of that. He had been there to fill in for the dog she had always hoped for, but in the end, the real thing was so different.

Zoey entered her bedroom with Puppy skipping after her, closely followed by her father. As he went about turning on her night light for her, she scooped Puppy up into her arms and giggled as his tongue tickled her nose. Zevon patted the pillow.

"C'mon, Zoey, bedtime."

She sighed, "OK," she placed a hand on Puppy's muzzle to stop him licking her and turned to Zander, sitting in his spot on the shelf, "Goodnight, Zander. I love you."

She gave him a quick kiss on the nose, then held Puppy up to let him sniff the toy before finally heading to bed.


She was awoken the next morning by a series of strange sounds: a scrabbling of claws, the light thud of something soft hitting the floor, Puppy's muffled growling and rustling fabric. Zoey blinked a few times and sat up, rubbing her eyes, and then she froze.

Zander's ear was gripped between Puppy's teeth, his head held down under his paw. Zoey sprung from her bed in an instant.

"Puppy, no!" she scolded and grabbed Zander, but he wouldn't let go. There was a distinct ripping sound and Zoey gasped. She finally managed to prize the toy away before the ear was completely torn off, but the damage was done regardless. Zander was a patchwork creation, of course, but he hadn't ever been ripped apart since he was first put together. Zoey had always taken good care of him – he was her pet, after all.

Zevon had heard her shouting and appeared in the doorway, blurry-eyed and yawning but awake, "Zoey? What's going on, what happened?"

With Puppy yapping around her ankles, jumping for Zander, Zoey stood and held him up to her father, "Look."

She handed him over and Zevon inspected him, pulling at the torn ear. He was about to speak when Zed came up behind him.

"What's up?"

"Looks like Puppy got a hold of Zander while Zoey was asleep."

"Oh..." Zed gave his little sister a sympathetic look, then he suddenly brightened, "Hey, no worries, we can ask Bonzo to fix it."

Zoey perked up, "Really?"

"Sure, he loves Zander. And he loves sewing. We'll have to wait till later, though. There's no way he's gonna be awake yet."

"Thanks, Zed!"

Zevon smiled, grateful for Zed's quick thinking and patted his shoulder. Zed disappeared back to his room and Zevon returned Zander to the shelf, higher up this time.

"Keep him out of Puppy's sight for now, alright? We don't want that happening again before you even get him fixed."


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