Eliza Gets A Dog - part 1

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(This was inspired by some ZOMBIES concept art that fist-it-out shared on Tumblr a while ago where it looked like Eliza had a dog. It was probably supposed to be Puppy but it looked more like a bulldog to me. I ended up splitting it into two parts just so I could get something posted tonight and keep my 2-one-shots-a-month resolution, so expect a part 2 at some point~)


Puppy was the first pet ever owned by a zombie and he had been a welcome addition to not only the Necrodopolous family, but the whole zombie community. Soon enough, other zombies were bringing pets into their homes. Bonzo had Cadenza, of course, Lindzey Morgan had also gotten a dog and Topaz Grievanson recently got a snake. Eliza was seeing more and more animals appearing in her friends' lives but she hadn't ever really thought about having a pet herself; it used to seem so impossible that it wasn't even worth imagining.


"Oh!" Eliza almost jumped when she felt something touch her leg. She looked down and saw Puppy standing on his hind legs, one paw just above the top of her boots and the other flailing, begging for attention. She stooped down just enough to take hold of his free paw and give it a gentle squeeze, "Hey there, puffball."

She had to admit, she did have a soft spot for him; she had barely set foot through the front door and he was already yapping at her heels, but she could only laugh. Zed, standing beside her, laughed along with her.


Eliza sat twisting the chair she was occupying back and forth and absentmindedly gesturing with one hand as she spoke. She was in Bonzo's room, giving him some feedback on a new track when a tiny squeak interrupted her.

Cadenza had clambered onto the desk beside her and had her big, round eyes fixed on Eliza's moving hand.

"Oh...?" Eliza blinked in surprise; she hadn't even noticed her, but nevertheless, she held a finger out for the kitten to sniff, and was immediately met with an affectionate headbutt. Cadenza nuzzled into her now open hand, purring, and Bonzo grinned.

"Agru ziga ru." She likes you.

Eliza gave a short laugh, "Yeah..."


She didn't exactly try to hide how her friends' pets were growing on her, but with how often she had insisted she didn't really want a pet herself, and how Zed and Bonzo just could not let it go whenever she turned out to be wrong, or changed her mind, or whatever, she refused to admit that she was starting to feel a bit jealous.

She should've known one little sarcastic quip would be enough to give herself away. They knew her too well.

The three of them were hanging out in Zed's living room, along with Zoey and, of course, Puppy, who was currently clambering all over Zed. Eliza shook her head, unable to keep from smiling.

"Oh, to be loved by a small, innocent animal."

"What's wrong? Feeling a little left out?" Zed teased and she rolled her eyes and turned away.

After a few seconds, though, she conceded. Keeping her gaze down and her voice relatively low, Eliza shrugged, "... Maybe."

Zed and Bonzo shared a knowing smirk.

"Gozig?" What was that? Bonzo cocked his head to one side, glancing briefly at Zed.

Eliza just narrowed her eyes at him in mock annoyance, "Don't."

"No, no, I don't think I heard that right," Zed leaned forward, also narrowing his eyes challengingly with that smile that Eliza just knew meant he wasn't going to let this go, "It almost sounded like you said 'maybe'."

"I'm just saying, I wouldn't be opposed to getting a pet and y'know," she floundered briefly, searching for an excuse, "Lea brought it up yesterday. She said she could see us getting a dog or something, I don't know."

Bonzo nodded, "Ah. Leaka."

Both of them were now unnecessarily close to her, closing in on either side, and Eliza heaved a long sigh. She loved them, but dear Z could they be annoying, especially when they were trying to get her to admit to something. Eventually, she threw up her hands in defeat.

"OK! Fine! I'm sorta just a little bit jealous and I might want a dog too!" she looked up at them as they grinned in satisfaction, "But Lea's still the one who brought it up. I just agreed."

Neither of them said a word in response, stepping back to finally give her some space again and she almost thought she was free, but Bonzo returned barely two seconds later, crouching down slightly so his chin was practically resting on her shoulder.

"Ru gruza zer naka, za?" Will you give it a Z name?


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