Z Day - Part 1

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(It's been forever since I posted a new BtB one-shot...! I hope you're keeping up to date on the full fic series, with Limelight coming back a few weeks ago and the multichap Something He Said from earlier this year. And the finale of Tattooed Mistakes is coming at the end of the month for Halloween~! If you're not caught up, I'm posting a new one-shot every week, whether it's Limelight, BtB, AGAZ or Zombie History Lessons!)

Fifty years since the first zombie was created, and forty-two years since the first zombie was killed. The first Z Day since zombies arrived at Seabrook High was tomorrow. A few zombie students were taking today off, as well, for their own reasons, but Zed, Eliza and Bonzo were all there that morning when Addison and Bree had questions to be answered.

"Hey!" Addison called when she saw the three zombies approaching, "Where is everybody? I've hardly seen any zombies all morning!"

Zed smiled; she was always so curious about the zombies.

"Yeah, they've all got Z Day plans to take care of."

Bree cocked her head, "I thought Z Day wasn't until tomorrow?"

"It's not. Some families just have their own traditions for the day before, or they have things to get ready or whatever."

Z Day was a time for both mourning loss and celebrating progress; Z had been taken by the patrol during the first zombie rights protest, after all. There were two anniversaries acknowledged on one holiday. Back before the integration, Zombie Town's schools closed for the day, and had a half-day before. Later in the afternoon of Z Day itself, there was a march from the centre of town to the main gate of the barrier, where they would stage another protest, and many would sit vigil well into the night in remembrance of the zombies who had stood there all those years ago as they watched their leader be forced into a patrol jeep and driven off, never to be seen again.

Over time, Z Day had expanded into a day to mourn the loss of any zombie who had died at the hands of humans, especially the zombie patrol, and also to continue the ongoing fight against zombiephobia.

Bree had noticed the members of BFZ were missing their drummer today despite the fact that they usually all walked to school together. It made sense now – she remembered Bonzo telling her how Roz had lost her mom to a Z-band malfunction at her maintenance check some years ago. She must be staying home with her dad. And Addison knew Mackenzie Galargher was absent as well. She'd never had the courage to ask how her dad had died, but she guessed it had something to do with humans.

"So, you guys aren't taking the day off?" Addison asked, looking around the circle.

Eliza was the first to answer, "Oh, I'll be out of here at lunch. My sister's gonna pick me up, she's organizing the march this year so I'm helping her out. I think Topaz and Zora are gonna come, too."

"What about Lazlo?"

Eliza just shrugged. Lazlo was a little unpredictable sometimes.

"Zed?" Addison turned to him, slightly cautious, "Don't you have... stuff to do?"

Luckily, Zed could guess what she was being so hesitant about. They hadn't talked about his mom much since he told her the story of her death. He waved a hand, signaling that she could relax.

"Nah, not today," he shook his head, "We're going to visit my mom's grave tomorrow morning, have some family time, then we'll go to join the march. We do it every year."

"Aw, that's sweet."

"So, what are you doing, Bonzo?" Bree nudged her boyfriend, "I'm guessing you didn't want to stay home today."

"Za. Maka, Paka, zet, zon gezer grog." Yeah. Mom and Dad aren't any better right now.

"How about tomorrow?"

"Ag zu Izaka garzrea," I'm going to Iza's place, "Z'ag janook zazig ziga." With the family I actually like. He rolled his eyes but he was still smiling.

"Are you guys going to the plant?" Eliza asked and Bonzo nodded.


Eliza turned to the two humans to explain, "A lot of zombies our age hang out at the power plant on Z Day before the march. 'Cause, you know, it's our birthplace. It's like a quieter, more serious version of the zombie mash. Singing old Zombie-tongue songs and that sort of thing."

Bree smiled wistfully at the thought and leaned into Bonzo a bit more. She almost felt like she should say something but she didn't know what would be right.

"Will you come intro Seabrook?" Addison suddenly asked, clearly having only just thought of it, "Like, now that the barrier's open, are you gonna march through the whole town?"

"Absolutely," Eliza said, "We gotta take the opportunity now that we have it. And having humans join in when we do could really help. Especially a certain daughter of the mayor and patrol chief," she tipped her head towards Addison, "You in?"

Addison grinned in response, "Yes, I'm in! Bree?"

"Of course I'm in, too!"

"We'll come straight to the barrier after school. We'll be waiting for you there."

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