We're In Zombieland - Part 2

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(It's once again way too late for me to still be awake and people might be starting to worry about my health, but hey, here's part two! I swear I'll start writing earlier on in the day and avoid doing this to myself anymore. I fully intended to write in the afternoon but I just let myself get distracted. I'm sorry

Once again, this was inspired by that Tumblr post by luckycheesefoodie321. I really liked writing Eliza here, and her and Bonzo interacting. I like their dynamic

Also I'm having way too much fun with my Zombie-tongue translations)

Then Zed met Addison.


Bonzo looked up from his work to see Zed rushing towards him. He put down his brush as Zed came to a stop. He seemed excited about something.

"I've got an idea. You know how Bucky won't let Addison talk to me?" Bonzo nodded, "So, we gotta meet some place where there's no Bucky and no Aceys. I'm gonna bring her to Zombie Town."

Bonzo instantly went from nodding to shaking his head.

"C'mon, it's a great idea! There's the zombie mash coming up," he pointed out, "How's that for a first date?"

At the mention of the zombie mash, Bonzo's eyes widened.

"Deh madge? Zedka," he quickly stood up, "Ziga Addiska, zet, bak Elizaka..." I like Addison and all, but Eliza...

"I'm not planning on telling Eliza."

Considering this, Bonzo shrugged, "Garzedd-zig, grag varkra." I guess it could work.

"And," Zed leaned closer, his voice dropping, "We have got to do BAMM for her."

"Zon," Bonzo immediately turned away, "Gra'zon varkra."

"What? You just said it could," Zed followed him, "Now you don't want to?"

"Ag quag, bak Elizaka egrall zon. Gra'zon grep z'agru." I want to, but Eliza will just say no. And we can't do it without her.

"It'll be fine. She doesn't even need to know Addy's there, at least not until the song's over," he threw his open his arms, "I'm gonna find a way to get her there whatever you say, and you can't not play BAMM at this mash. We're celebrating the integration, everybody's gonna be expecting it."

With a sigh, Bonzo gave in. Zed was right, BAMM was the backbone of a good zombie mash. For a second, he almost regretted writing it. Almost. Besides, he had to admit, he had missed seeing Addison around. It could be fun.

At the next football game, during halftime, Zed stepped away as soon as he had the chance. Bonzo saw him approach the bleachers, looking right at him, and, with a brief "be right back" (in Zombie) to Eliza, he rushed down.

"I can't risk Bucky or Eliza seeing me talk to Addison, can you do me a favour?" he asked, taking out a piece of yellow paper and handing it to Bonzo, "Give her this when the game ends, when they're distracted. Don't draw any attention to yourself. Got it?"

"Za." He took the note and absentmindedly folded it up as he walked back to Eliza. She saw his fidgeting.

"What's that?"

Bonzo held up the note, now in a simple origami shape.

"Garzird?" A bird?

It was enough of an explanation for her.


"And don't forget, we're kicking it all off with BAMM."

"So you keep reminding me," Eliza rolled her eyes at Zed, though she was smiling, "What's up with you? You're never like this."

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