We're In Zombieland - Part 3

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(I know, it's been a while... I hit a block lately but I've just had a pretty big creative surge and plotted out a bunch of stuff. I'm at a convention this weekend (cosplaying white haired!Addison and my zombiesona/OC Lizzy) so I may or may get stuff uploaded but I will be writing and I'll have more fics up soon~! I have 2 more BtB one-shots planned and hopefully I'll come up with more, I've figured out the first 2 parts of the Big Project, and I have rough plot ideas for the Bronzo AU. I also want to do another one-shot collection about the background zombies

This one is really short but I wanted to give the We're In Zombieland story a solid ending)

"Ru, agru zet, garzalk. Garzedd grag durg."

Bonzo had been right. So maybe it had taken some time, but Eliza did change her mind in the end.

He and Zed were prepared for some pushback when they brought up the idea of inviting some of the humans to a block party in Zombie Town to her, but they were surprised when she only took a moment to consider it, then shrugged.

"Sure. Sounds cool."

The boys glanced at each other.

"... Really?" Zed raised an eyebrow, smiling hopefully.

"Yeah," Eliza picked up her bag and started down the hall, Zed and Bonzo following her, "Why not?"

"And, playing BAMM? No problem with that?"

"Nope," she shook her head, not looking back at either of them. But she could just sense their smug smirks behind her and she turned around, "OK, look, so maybe I am starting to kinda like some of the humans. And if they're willing to open up a little and accept us, for real, then I'd be willing to... let them in, I guess."

She turned away again and kept walking, out the door. The three of them passed by the door that had once been marked for zombies, leading down to the basement (the signs – both "zombies" and "normals" – were long gone), and headed towards the gate into Zombie Town. The place was still rundown but there had been talk of improvements to come. Eliza didn't expect anything to happen too soon, but she decided she would keep her hopes up. Things were changing, after all.

"Greh, ag zazig?" So, I was right?

"Yeah, go ahead," she rolled her eyes with a laugh, "Take your bragging rights."

BAMM had changed. It's meaning had changed. When they first came up with it, it was theirs. Just theirs. That day in Zed's room, it was the three of them goofing off and having fun, nothing more. But then it became something. It represented everything that made the young zombie generation stand out, everything that made them proud to be zombies.

Eliza couldn't help her resentment and what Zed did when he brought Addison to the zombie mash. He had kept it from her, his best friend, and turned their anthem into an invitation for a human to disturb their celebration. That's how she had seen it at the time, at least, but she forgave him now. Although there was a speck of selfishness to what he did, Zed had only been trying to welcome Addison into the community and show her what it was like on their side of the barrier. She couldn't fault him for that. Not too much.

Since that night, BAMM had a new meaning. Now it was an invitation, to join the zombies and see who they really were.

"Y'know what?" Eliza said, looking up at Zed and Bonzo, "Let's take this a step further. Let the humans be a part of it. Show 'em how we do it in Zombieland."

She grinned as the boys high-fived and they picked up the pace. They had a block party to plan.

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