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Max walked into the kitchen and switched on the kettle. He needed a caffeine boost. Two late nights in a row had left him exhausted. Sofia had gone along with him to the Electronic Expo on Thursday night. Although she had not really shared his enthusiasm, they'd had fun. It was impossible to not have fun in a flight simulator.

He had also taken her to an up-market bar last night to celebrate the launching of Bit-by-Bit's new website. The board of directors were surprisingly happy with what they had come up with and their weeks of not-so-hard work had actually reaped some rewards. But it was there that their relationship had taken a very unexpected turn.

He had finally seen with his own eyes how alcohol can eradicate any and all inhibitions. Sofia had been giddy with excitement at first but after three martinis and eight tequilas she became very outspoken.

He'd made a comment about how tequila was the only exception to Danny's strict no-drinking rule and Sofia's mood had instantly changed.

"You're in love with Danny, aren't you?" she'd said.

Although Max tried to deny it, she had not believed a single word.

"I know it's hard to love someone who doesn't love you back," she'd said, her tone sullen and dejected. "And I know how hard it is to le' go and move on. I'm going through the same thing. I fell in love and...I thought things were going grea'. He said it was going too fas' so we take a break and now...he's getting married to someone else. That's life. But, Max, if both of us are only willing to put half our hearts into this relationship, it's never going to work. I really like you and I wan' to see where this goes."

Max had ended the conversation there as he thought it best to continue it when she was one hundred percent sober, but her words still troubled him. How could Sofia, someone who knew him for six weeks, see what Danny had not been able to see in six years? What troubled him even more was that Sofia could tell that Danny didn't love him back. It was a fact he still could not wrap his head around after all this time.

"Hey," Danny greeted softly from the entrance of the kitchen. "Can I get a cup too?"

Max noticed that she had already showered and changed and realized that he had been so lost in thought he had not even heard her.

"Sure." Max walked to the cupboard, took out another mug and began making her a cup of coffee.

He noticed the way her eyes moved very discreetly over his bare chest and there was something almost appreciative in her gaze.

"Max, have you been working out?"

"Yeah, Charlie and I have been hitting the gym. I want to get into shape. Can't be the skinny dork all my life."

There was a part of him that felt flattered that she noticed but the other part of him felt awkward around her, vulnerable because people who barely knew him could see what he was hiding.

"So how was your night of celebration?" she asked. "You got in pretty late."

He handed her a cup of steaming coffee. "It was...eventful. I discovered a whole new side to Sofia." He saw the questions formulate in Danny's eyes, but when he offered no further information, she looked away and began sipping her coffee. "What do you have planned for today?" he asked instead.

"Richard is taking me out today. He flew in last night. I told you about it, remember?"

He simply nodded, wishing that he had not asked the question. The silence dragged on for quite some time before Danny cleared her throat and looked up at him.

"Max...I wanna ask you something."

He nodded. "Shoot. You know you can ask me anything."

She toyed nervously with her fingers. "If you and I were dating...how long...how long would you be willing to wait before...we...you know..."

Wanting to Remember, Trying to Forget (Meet the Shepards, #1)Where stories live. Discover now