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How was it possible that she could never get ready on time? Then again, it was a Saturday and everyone slept in a little too long on a Saturday. Well, everyone except Max.

Danny raced out of the bathroom and pulled on a short tight-fitting beige skirt. She couldn't be late. Not today. Her client was pedantic and would not tolerate tardiness.

"Max," she called, "have you seen my—"

She stopped when she saw the straps of her brown sandals hanging off his finger.

"Thanks," she said, taking it from his hand. "And do you know where I left my—"

Her butterfly hairclips were placed in her other hand. She smiled and hurried to the mirror to slide them on. Blouse on. Matching beige blazer on. Just breathe, she told herself.

She still had a few minutes to spare before she needed to leave, but in her rush she could not remember where she had left half her things. She tossed the pillows off her bed, looking for her cell phone and when she couldn't find it, she ran back to the bedroom door. "Where's—" Her cell phone was placed in her hand. "And—" followed by her car keys. "You're a blessing!" she said, standing on her tip toes to give him a quick kiss.

She went back in and sat on the edge of the bed to strap on her sandals. She was exhausted. She had been up half the night trying to finalize the design for this client and all she wanted was a creamy cup of—

"Coffee?" Max said from the doorway, holding a mug.

God, she loved him! She took the mug from him and gulped down its creamy deliciousness in a matter of seconds. Max walked her to the door and handed over her laptop bag. As she opened the door, he slammed it shut and pushed her up against it, his mouth immediately closing over her Jerry Maguire spot. She groaned and her head rolled back.


"Just a quickie."


"I don't know what you're begging me for, Danny." His hand caught the back of her knee and he pulled her leg around his waist, her tight skirt riding up as he did so. "Is this what you're begging me for?"

His other hand cupped her breast and she almost forgot about the meeting.

"Is this some sort of payback?" she asked breathlessly.


She buried her hands in his hair and kissed him hard. "Later. I promise."

Pushing him back to a safe distance, she opened the door.

"You're just gonna leave me like this?" he said, pointing down at himself.

Looking at his soft lips, his bare chest, and his tousled morning hair, all she wanted to do was dive into his arms again but she stopped herself. She groaned her frustration. "Later," she said again. "I really have to go."

"Alright. Have a great day, Honeybun," he teased.

"You really have to think of a better name."

"You first."

After another quick kiss goodbye, she hurried to the outdoor stairwell.

"I'm taking a walk to the park later," Max shouted after her. "Meet me there after your meeting."

"Sure," she shouted back and continued running down the stairs.

* * * * *

Danny sighed a happy sigh as she parked her car, pulled off her beige suit jacket and climbed out. Another successful meeting. Another happy client. She had actually managed to secure a higher fee for this next project. As the money started coming in over the last few months, she had started buying groceries and contributing towards the rental of the apartment. She no longer felt like she was a financial burden to Max.

Wanting to Remember, Trying to Forget (Meet the Shepards, #1)Where stories live. Discover now