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A summer away from Capeside had taken Heather down the coast, traipsing from port to port exploring Florida and all it's tourist treasures. She'd spent days picking up shifts at the local hotspots, a waitressing gig here, a cleaning job there. But her nights were spent out on the water, the sea breeze in her hair and the smell of salt water tingling her nose as she lay in the arms of Pacey Witter.

But tomorrow would bring upon their grand return to normality and all the escapades and tumultuous feelings that would bring. So the pair spent their last night as they had every other that summer, Heather in the hammock above as Pacey read to her from the one below.

"The little mermaid could not take her eyes from the ship or from the beautiful prince. The coloured lanterns had been extinguished. No more rockets rose in the air and the cannon had ceased firing. But the sea became restless and a moaning grumbling sound could be heard beneath the waves. After a while, the sales were quickly unfurled, and the noble ship continued her passage, but soon the waves rose higher. Heavy clouds darkened the sky and lightning appeared in the distance. A dreadful storm was approaching. Once more the sails were reefed and the great ship pursued her flying course over the raging sea. To the little mermaid, this appeared pleasant sport. Not so for the sailors."

Pacey snapped the book closed before smiling innocently up above, his arm stretching to intervene his fingers with hers "So, whaddya say, we uh, put those sea legs to use, huh?"

Heather let out a laugh before she spun around, slipping off her hammock and onto the boys lap as she had many times over the past few months, a smirk forming as she lofted an eyebrow "Well, hello sailor! Is that a telescope in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

"I'm positively buoyant." Pacey grinned coyly, his hands cupping the girls face as he pulled her into a kiss "God, I love you."

Heather bit her lip through a smirk before grabbing the hem of her shirt and peeling it off, leaving her bare before the boy "Why don't you show me just how much?"

The sun had came quicker than either of the lovestruck teen's would like but the pair were left with no choice but to set sail and head home. Pacey let out a sigh as he spotted the harbour across the water "So there she blows, huh? Capeside, Mass, our first and last port of call."

Heather joined him at the helm, raising an eyebrow over over the distance "Doesn't look much different from when we left it, does it?"

"That's 'cause it ain't, Fraulein."

The Leery girl sighed at her boyfriends tone "I'm in no more of a race to get back there than you are, Pace, but it's not like we have another option."

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