Chapter 26

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C: OMG Gavin Ok I liked it

G: I know you did

G: OK but lets actually go to sleep now 

C: ok

It was the middle of the night and Gavin was asleep but coco couldn't go to sleep


OMG I believe Gavin and I know that Elliana Kissed him because in the video he pushed her off but I don't know why I am still mad at Gavin. I mean I know I cant stay mad at him forever ahhh. I REALLY LOVE HIM! *END OF POV*

Coco goes closer to Gavin and cuddles him. Gavin then wakes up.

G: wha-

C: shhhh

Gavin starts to cuddle coco an then they fall asleep again.


Coco woke up early and went to the shops to buy Gavin some stuff because she felt bad for yesterday.

Gavin woke up.

G: Ahh 

[ he looked around and saw that coco wasn't there]

G: coco? where could you have gone . . . wait maybe she is downstairs

He goes downstairs and finds that coco isn't there

G: hmm that's weird

He has breakfast and then lays on his and Cocos bed , on his phone.

Hr was about to call coco when he heard the bedroom door open and saw that it as coco.

G: COCO! where did you go?

C: HI Gavin . . . oh um I just um went to get something from the shops.

G: um ok

Then coco goes on the bed and takes off her top

G: WOAH coco don't post something like that on your story . . . that's only for me to see you like this

C: . . .

G: Coco? OK I know that you are still mad at me so what can I do to make it up to you ?

Coco goes on top of Gavin and starts taking his shirt off

SORRY for the short chapter guys but idk what to do in the next chapters.


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