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I have made anew book!! I think that you all should go check it out please!?!?!? It would mean a lot if you tell your wattpad friends about my books too and tell them to read it and vote and all of that stuff too please. It would mean a LOT

I have now moved up to Sydney with dad now so it will be hard updating and stuff cause I need to get enrolled into a new school and everything I won't be updating a lot for a week but I promise I'll update a lot after that.

I have been working really hard on all of my books lately and only one of them has 26 reads so that also makes me sad aswell :( I really do try hard for a 14 year old girl so please tell everyone you know that is on wattpad to check out my books please and message me or comment for a shout out too if you want one also

Okay I think I'm finished here. I'll update some of my other books soon...hopefully....I know I will once I have settled into my new environment so thanks for your time

I love you all to bits

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