Moving into dorms

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~In the morning~

You wake up and get ready, then you go downstairs. "(dad) Alright ill drop off the boxes later and say bye to you guys make sure to stay in touch and visit on weekends!" "(Ryuuku) ofc dad" "(y/n) ya we aren't permanently leaving you yet-" "(dad) YET?!" "(y/n) haha its a joke dad" "(dad) right now your gonna be late go go go!" You start walking to the metro "(Ryuuku) This is all so surreal and weird isn't it" "(y/n) i mean i guess but its the reality so get over it "(Ryuuku) No need to be so hard Y/N" You get on the metro and notice Denki isn't there, "(y/n) Hey mina.. do you know where Denki is?" "(Mina) No i don't but he probably took his car if he had all of his stuff with him, my parents are dropping my stuff off later its all so exciting!" "(y/n) Ya my dad is too, ngl I'm kinda nervous" "(Mina) aweee don't worry your be fine!!" heh i hope-


-y/n: where are you your not on the metro-

-Denki: ya I'm taking my car don't worry ill meet you at school

-y/n: ight cya

~At school~

You walk to class and everyone's there some with their stuff trying to figure out where to put it and others sitting down. Katsuki stares at you a bit until you finally say something "(y/n) Ik I'm ugly but doesn't mean you have to stare at me all the time." "(Katsuki) Tch your not fucking ugly." You blush a little and he looks embarrassed, "(y/n) How are your hands and knees?" "(Katsuki) Tch ofc they are fine" "(y/n) that's good." Aizawa walks in, "(Aizawa) Everyone today's gonna be a little different because you will be moving into the dorms, If you can all get up and form a line that would be great." "(Iida) Come on class get up". Some people groaned and others got up right away. "(Aizawa) For those of you who already have your stuff with you we have moved your things into your rooms and for those waiting make sure the person Browning it comes within 2 hours. Your name should be on your dorm" "(Mina) This is gonna be so cool! Plus our dorms are next to eachother!!" "(y/n) They are? oh yay!" You walk into your dorm, hey this is a pretty good size its bigger then my room for sure- too bad its gonna turn into an anime sanctuary... "(Ryuuku) Knock knock just kidding I'm already inside- hey your rooms bigger then the class 1B dorms no fair" "(y/n) Ya its cause 1A is way better" "(??) CLASS 1B COME YOUR NOT ALOUD AT 1A DORMS WITHOUT PERMISSION" "(Ryuuku)"Welp gotta run cya sis" "(y/n) bye." All of a sudden Katsuki appears at your dorm and leans against the door frame arms crossed "(Katsuki) You have a brother?" "(y/n) Katsuki wtf haha and yes i do, hes my twin" "(Katsuki) Tch idrc" "(y/n) HEY YOU ASKED" "(Katsuki) Well cya i guess" "(y/n) bye.


Before you knew it your stuff was here "(Aizawa) Y/N Y/L YOUR STUFF IS HERE" You grab your stuff and realize its really heavy- "(y/n) ah fuck this is way to heavy i didn't think about that" "(Katsuki) Need help ashtray?" "(y/n) pfft n-". but before you could say anything he was already taking boxes to your room.. and so was Denki and Kirishima? "(y/n)I- what are you guys doing.." "(Katsuki) What does it look like we're doing? We're helping. AND YOU EXTRAS DON'T HAVE TO HELP I CAN DO IT MYSELF!" "(Kirishima) Bakubro your hands are all banged up and so are your knees. you need some help helping her." "(Denki) Ya man we're just being nice shes my best friend after all". You stood there confused and all you could say was "(y/n) T-Thanks?" "(Katsuki) No need ashtray." After that, they help you put your furniture together and move it. "(y/n) Thanks! I highly appreciate it!" "(Katsuki) Tch no problem." "(Denki) Ya no problem!!" "(Kirishima) i must say that was very manly". You laid down on your bed and drifted to sleep, this is gonna be an insane journey. You wake up an hour later after hearing a knock at your door "(Mina) Sorry to wake you! But were doing a dorm competition! Wanna join in?" "(y/n) sure!"

~Dorm competition~

You toured 4 dorms until it was your turn. "(Asui) Wow you must really like anime Y/N" "(y/n) heh ya i do Asui-" "(Asui) I told you to call me Tsu" "(y/n) Oh sorry!!" After a few dorms it was finally Katsuki's dorm, you didn't know why but you were particularly excited for his dorm- it was only 9:30 pm so he was probably awake, you knocked on his door before anyone and no response- "(y/n) KATSUKI THE DORM COMPETITION ARE YOU ALREADY ASLEEP??" You decide to open his door and to your suprise he WAS asleep! Just before you could close his door he throws a pillow at you "(Katsuki) WHO TF ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING ITS WAY PAST 8:32 PM DON'T WAKE ME UP DAMN EXTRA" "(y/n) haha you go to sleep at 8:32?" "(Katsuki) Ofc i do i need energy to train dumbass. Why re you even in my room did you want cuddles or something?" "(y/n) WHA- NO!! ITS TIME FOR THE DORM COMPETITION" "(Katsuki) Ya not interested now F* OFF AND LET ME SLEEP!!" You slam the door and you and the girls start laughing "(y/n) HAHAHA THAT WAS SO FUNNY OML." Sato won because he baked a cake, IT WAS SO GOOD THOUGH!!


It was finally time to go to sleep it had been a long day so you were happy about it and flopped down on your pillow. You couldn't stop thinking about Katsuki 'Do you want cuddles or something' do i like Katsuki? No it cant be but hes so handsome and hot and hes nice to me and- Then you fall asleep dreaming about Katsuki and the possibility of being together...

Hes so cold to me~ (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now