Bubble Gum

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~The Morning~

You wake up to an unfamiliar alarm and a comfy bed in comfy arms,"(Katsuki) Morning teddy bear." He sits up and you see him rub his eyes with his messy hair "(y/n) Morning." He looks at you before grabbing your shoulders and pinning you back down on the bed, then he kisses you. Denki comes in banging pots and pans "(Denki) AYYY Y-" "(Katsuki) WTF DUNCE FACE!" "(Denki)... sorry uh carry on-." He looks embarrassed and you hear him whisper to Sero "(Denki) They gonna fuck- lets leave them alone." "(y/n) HEY WE WEREN'T GONNA-." You get up and get into your uniform. "(y/n) DENKI!" "(Denki) Oh hey Y/N" "(y/n) We weren't gonna fuck- ;-;" He looks at you suspiciously before you feel an arm wrap around your waist. "(Katsuki) Hey teddy bear." "(y/n) Sukiii!" You walk to the cafeteria and everyone seems to turn their heads to you, expecting something to happen "(Katsuki) These damn extras want us to kiss or something."       "(y/n) Wdym-" "(Katsuki) Lets give them a show." He grabs onto your waist tightly and looks you straight into your eyes, you lift your head up a bit and he kisses you passionately, after about 10 seconds of just kissing he pulls you even closer and kisses you more. "(Katsuki) They got their show." You blush a bunch and sit down "(Kirishima) Wow Bakubro that was very manly."

~In Class~

You sit down in your seat and Katsuki moves your seat closer to his. "(Katsuki) My property." You start blushing a bunch "(Katsuki) Tch i made the teddy bear blush." "(y/n) Sukiiii." "(Aizawa) That's enough. As you know the sports festival is coming up, we're training today." "(Denki) TODAY? ITS MONDAY! WE NEVER TRAIN ON MONDAYS!" "(Aizawa) Get your hero costumes on."     "(Sero) Oh come on!!" "(Momo) Sir, i hate to object but i just got my nails done yesterday." "(Aizawa) NOW." You get up and walk to get changed very slow "(y/n) Ughhh why do we have to have extra training its unfairrr." "(Asui) Its a bit last minute *kero*." "(Mina) Ikr!" "(y/n) I'm so tired-" "(Katsuki) You dumb asses should go to sleep earlier." "(Momo) Hes got a point- hes prepared cause he sleeps earlier." "(Ochaco) Verbatim." You visibly get tired, even though you fell asleep with Katsuki doesn't mean you weren't still shaken up. "(Katsuki) Oh come on sleepy teddy bear." He picks you up and flings you over his shoulder, then he walks in front of everyone "(Iida) STAY IN LINE EVERYONE!!" You make it to the changing room and he puts you down. You put your costume on slowly and step into the training area "(Aizawa) Ok class, we will have extra training this week so get lots of rest." He looks over at you "(y/n) What did i do-" "(Iida) NO TALKING WHEN THE TEACHERS TALKING!!" "(y/n) Your the one talking-" "(Aizawa) I don't get paid enough- The training for today is simple, as you can see we're in a fake mountain area, there are canons hidden everywhere that shoot bubble gum, all you have to do is stop the canons, simple." He leaves the room and it begun.

~The Training~

At first it was easy to clog the canons with smoke so that they stopped until they were becoming harder to find. "(Denki) HEY Y/N! I'm kinda stuck here can you help-" "(y/n) uh sure-" You grab his hand and are able to pull him out of the gum "(Denki) Man that's sticky-" Suddenly you can here the intercoms go on "(Mic) HEY HEY HEY! FIRST OBSTACLE BEGGINING NOW! ROCK SLIDE!" "(Aizawa) Oh ya that to, natural disasters." "(y/n) Very simple yep." "(Denki) Y/N WATCH OUT!" At least 10 big boulders were about to fall on you, but just before they can Katsuki rushes towards you and explodes them." "(Katsuki) Don't fall asleep teddy bear." "(y/n) PSHHHH!" Your able to find and disable 2 more cannons. "(Mic) ALL 200 BOULDERS HAVE BEEN DEMOLISHEEEEEEEEEEEEEED! NEXT DISASTER! FIREEEEEEEEE!" "(y/n) Are you KIDDING ME!" You dodged fires and had to unzip your costume "(y/n) OML ITS SO HOT." "(Katsuki) Not as hot as you." "(y/n)... SUKIII YOUR GONNA DISTRACT ME!" After the fires were over there was a blizzard disaster so you had to zip your suit back up, your able to disable another canon during the blizzard but more remained. "(Mic) HIGH WIND SPEEDS COMING UPPPP!" "(y/n) Dammit my quirk is basically useless against wind-" You try not to get blown away while looking for more canons, suddenly some of the bubble gum comes straight at you and because of the wind the force is stronger and it hits you on the chest "(y/n) Ouchhh." You hit the ground forcefully but hit a huge wad on the floor "(y/n) A little help?-" You can see Katsuki getting pushed towards you in the distance his back facing you, he gets closer to you and turns around with a face of shock that he couldn't escape the wind, he has some bubble gum on his chest too, you notice a rock on the floor that he obviously doesn't see. "(y/n) SUKI! WATCH THE FLO-" He trips over the rock and falls right on top of you "(Katsuki) Hey there teddy bear~" "(y/n) SUKIIII!!" You blush a lot and neither of you can escape. "(y/n) DENKI HELP!" He doesn't hear you. "(Katsuki) Dunce face don't help." "(Aizawa) Alright that's it for today." "(Kirishima) Oh man! We didn't get all the canons!" "(Aizawa) That was on purpose. Wanted to see how everyone would react." "(All) WHATTTT!" Everyone leaves "(y/n) UHH A LITTLE HELP?!" The whole arena is empty minus you and Katsuki. "(Katsuki) Well since were stuck here teddy bear why not-" Before he can finish his sentence you kiss him. "(y/n) Why not kiss?" 5 minutes had already went by and you came to the conclusion that no one was coming. Katsuki just stares at you "(y/n) What are you doing-" He holds your head in his hands and kisses you intensely "(Mirio) Woah woah woah woah what is happening here?" "(Tamaki) This is so embarrassing." "(y/n) FINALLY HELP US THEY LEFT!!" "(Nejire) WOW YOU 2 LOOK STUFF :D need help?" "(Katsuki) OBVIOUSLY DUMBASS! WHATS THE BIG 3 DOING HERE ANYWAYS?" "(Mirio) Clean up duty :)" "(y/n) Well can someone help please-." They help you and Katsuki to un stick and you quickly change out of your hero costume. Then you and Katsukis quickly get back to class.

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