Hero Names

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~At dorms~

You walk into the dorms, Katsuki's arm still around your waist very tightly. Everyone seems to have been worried. "(Mina) THANK GOD YOUR OK! WE HEARD ABOUT THE VILLAINS ATTACKING!!" "(Katsuki) Tch why wouldn't we be ok they where fucking weak." "(Iida) LANGUAGE!!" Denki was gawking at the fact that Katsuki's arm was around your waist. "(Aizawa) Its a good thing your safe. Everyone should leave the dorms less and be aware of your surroundings while out." You go back to your dorm and change into something comfy (Black sweatpants and a random shirt you found on the floor) You then leave the dorm and knock on Katsuki's dorm. "(y/n) Sukiiii open the door :3" "(Katsuki) What do you want?" "(y/n) Your hoodie :D" "(Katsuki) BUT I'M FUCKING WEARING IT DUMBASS." "(y/n) Then change" "(Katsuki) No." You glare at him playfully before jumping on him, he catches you and puts you over his shoulder. "(Katsuki) Got you teddy bear." You grab his hoodie from the back and pull it "(Katsuki) OI WTF." Your able to pull it off to find that he doesn't have a shirt underneath, you put the hoodie on and run down the hall, ofc he chases after you "(Katsuki) OI GET BACK HERE TEDDY BEAR!!" You run into the common room where Denki, Jirou, Kirishima and Mina are sitting on the couches and in chairs. Seeing Katsuki chasing after you SHIRTLESS left Denki shook and Mina fangirl. "(Mina) OMG OMG OMG SOMETHING IS HAPPENING!" "(Denki) What tf is happening :D." You jump on one of the empty couches and Katsuki jumps onto it too. Your both out of breath and you realize that hes got you pinned down of the couch which makes you blush a lot. "(Katsuki) Fine you win teddy bear." "(y/n) S-Suki your making me blush ;w;" He realizes the position that hes in and quickly gets off of you. "(Katsuki) Tch ill brb." Everyone is looking shook. "(y/n) What?" You slouch down and get on your phone. A few minutes later Katsuki comes back in his normal black shirt with the white skull thingy and he lies down on the couch. "(y/n) >:0 Suki! I need room too!!" "(Katsuki) There is room teddy bear." You lie down on with your head on his chest and he puts a blanket on you. "(y/n) Ya ok fine this is comfy :3." Denki still looks shook. You both eventually drift to sleep.

~In the morning~

"(Denki) Y/N!!" "(Kirishima) Bakubro Y/N!!" "(Mina) MY SHIPPPPP!!" You wake up to see Mina, Sero, Denki, Kirishima and Deku standing over you "(y/n) H-huh what happened qwq" "(Mina) YOU FELL ASLEEP ON BAKUHOEEEEEEEEEE!!!" You realize that Your on top of Katsuki on the couch with his arms wrapped around you, you blush a lot and try to get up, waking him up "(Katsuki) Not so fast teddy bear." "(y/n) Sukiiii we have classsss!" Denki looks shook. Suddenly he stands up still holding on to you and carries you to your room and waits outside the door. You get ready and go outside of your dorm (Katsuki is there guarding the door) "(y/n) Now YOU have to get dressed." He picks you up and carries you to his room. "(Katsuki) Ok. I'm getting dressed." He gets dressed and you are left shook. "(y/n) Why do I have to be here when your changing-" "(Katsuki) So that no body takes you from me teddy bear." You blush a lot before going to breakfast.

~In class~

You sit down in your normal seat and see that Katsuki is making it very clear your his. We aren't even official what is he doing. Finally Aizawa comes in with Midnight. "(Denki) 2 teachers?? Are we in trouble or something-" Then you remember "(All) HERO NAMES!" Midnight calls people up until finally your up. You hold up your sign to the class "(y/n) Cinder." "(Midnight) What a great name for a great quirk!" You sit back down and look over to Katsuki who looks very angry (His hero name was rejected) "(y/n) OoOoo someones angryyy" "(Katsuki) SHUT THE HELL UP TEDDY BEAR!" All the class turns their heads to you, even Midnight is shook you blush in embarrassment and cause your flustered "(Katsuki) THAT'S RIGHT I CALL HER TEDDY BEAR GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT EXTRAS?" Everyone looks SHOOK. "(y/n) Suki calm down-" "(Class) SUKI? TEDDY BEAR??" you hide yourself in your hands in embarrassment. Oh god oh god oh god. You look up to see Katsuki staring directly at you, he grabs you out of your seat and kissed you, strongly "(Katsuki) GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT EXTRAS???" Everyone is shook even Aizawa. "(Midnight) AHEM uh- back to the hero names heheh." After that suprise the class could barley pay attention, either could you.

~After class~

You and Katsuki seemed to be all the talk as you walked out of class before you could leave the gates, Katsuki stops you. "(Katsuki) Teddy bear come with me." Before you can say anything he picks you up over his shoulder and carries you to a nice tree area with a pond. "(Katsuki) Listen teddy bear. I want everyone to KNOW your mine. I cant stand those extras looking at you. Lets make it official." "(y/n) Wdym-" "(Katsuki) I'm asking you to be my fucking girlfriend." "(y/n) U-Uh ofc Suki!!" He pulls you in and kisses you lovingly, underneath a cherry blossom tree. You walk back to dorms with his arm wrapped around your waist. Can't belive this is real.

Hes so cold to me~ (Bakugou x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now