Chapter 3: The Underground

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Recap of the story so far:

Chapter 1: The Aftermath

(Flashback) Ned harasses her mom, Alba, with her scooter.

(Present) Ned and Sonic team up and are rescued from the debris by Combine, a friend of Sonic's.

(Flashback) The Furry CEOs arrive at Stinky's Sandwich Shop. Alba references some terrible evil from which she wishes to protect Ned.

(Present) Ned formally meets Combine and they team up. They find a place to stay with a wolf furry. Combine and Sonic discuss their big secret.

(Flashback) Ned and her dad, Damien, try to survive the Furry Takeover. Her mom comes home but succumbs to Furry Madness and tries to kill her.

(Present) The wolf goes outside because there's so much smoke inside.

(Flashback) Damien protects Ned from Alba. Absolute furry chaos breaks out.

Chapter 2: The Advisor

(Present) Sonic hides the dead wolf girl from Ned. The group heads to Chet's gas station to find Candy

(Flashback) Combine ponders the rise of the Furry Empire and how he and Candy got where they are. Harambe and Sonic arrive at the capitol.

(Present) The group discovers that Chet's contains only stale banana bread. They find Candy and the Ford©️ Focus in the mechanic's shop. Candy almost says something but the others cut him off and they all act suspicious. The Ford©️ Focus is out of gas but Combine insists they take it anyway.

(Flashback) Big City Mouse meets Candy, Combine, and Sonic. She reveals that she killed Supreme Leader President Captain Evans of the United States of America, and that he's been succeeded by Supreme Leader President Captain Palko, who Big City Mouse claims to have convinced to leave Furville alone. Although she is also reportedly working on a top-secret military project that Big City Mouse fears she might use to conquer Furville in the future. Big City Mouse asks for a boiga.

(Present) Sonic, Candy, and Combine discuss how Big City Mouse corrupted Harambe and turned Furville from a utopia into a dictatorship. The Ford©️ Focus runs out of gas. A building explodes and begins to fall onto the car. Candy grows sharp teeth and rips through Ned's broken seatbelt to get her out, before getting crushed by the building. Big City Mouse emerges from an alleyway, tells the group that Harambe is dead, and then stabs Sonic.

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Big City Mouse had skittered back down the alleyway from which she came by the time Sonic hit the ground.

"Sonic!" Combine called out as he rushed to the hedgehog's aid. "We need to find help!"

"No, no," Sonic grunted as he stood up. "It's okay. I don't have internal organs. It'll heal just fine."

Combine used his hands to help steady Sonic "You don't have... okay, well that's good. In that case we should get the knife out."

Sonic looked down at the knife. "No, it's plugging the wound. Pull it out and I'll die of blood loss."

"You have blood?"

"Why wouldn't I have blood?"

"You said you have no internal organs."

"Yeah but I have blood."

Combine stood up straight, confused. "Blood that gets pumped by...?"

Sonic looked at him, appalled. "That's a very rude thing to ask a lab-bred creature."

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