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  I'm wanting to make this someone accurate so please imagine Grace however you would like, I was thinking somewhere along the lines of Kalani Hilliker.
This will be like an intro of Grace.

-Grace POV-
My name is Grace Black, I know this may sound weird but, I don't really know who my parents are, I know my mother was an American witch because well I grew up in America with my aunt Keira in New York! I love New York but ever since my aunt passed away in my second year at Hogwarts I have been living with the Weasleys! They treat me like I am one of them! I am Great friends with the Twins. Me and Ron have never been really close he and his friends seem to not really notice me. I don't blame them, I am the type that keeps my head down low and only speaks when spoken to. I was just about to be sorted into Slytherin whenI repeat the hat said "interesting you remind of a young student I once knew, he had a special knack for trouble I say" once that was said it shouted "GRYFINDOR!" I looked over to the Slytherin table to see a blonde boy with too much hair gel look somewhat disappointed, I learned his name was Draco Malfoy and let's just say he is not the nicest to me. I had to move to London with my aunt because she had gotten a job at the ministry! Exciting and all yes, but I had many friends in New York and did not want to move away from them. My guardian right now is a man named Remus Lupin I have never met him but a week before my aunt died she gave me a letter and it read

        Dear Keira,
                         I am writing to inform you that Gwendolyn and Sirius made me Graces godfather. I am sad to tell you that if under the circumstances that you are not eligible to take care of Grace I will not able to do so. Due to my current condition I don't think it is the safest option for her. All thought this time may never come I have a family here in London that could take care of her, she is the same age as one of their youngest children if you ever need anything write to me. Also the family is the Weasleys, they are very kind and would take her in any day. They live at the burrow which you may not be familiar with, but if she gets to know Ronald she will know! Good day Keira.

                                    Remus Lupin

Well that is the letter, I have always been confused with the names he had said, they could either be my parents or previous guardians? That is part of my life's mission! When I was little I told myself that I will find my parents one way or another!

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