Chapter 5☞︎Classes☜︎

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--- means time skip!

-3rd POV-

As Grace made her way to Divination she bumped into a body for what feels like the hundredth time in the past week. she didn't realize that all my books fell out from my arms and to the floor.

She then knelt to pick them up, and heard a snicker "Boys. What should we do with our lovely little lion friend?" an annoying voice said. 

All Grace could think was Malfoy. "Leave me alone Malfoy," Grace said sternly. Then a warm-hearted chuckle was heard.

"I got you there didn't I?" Grace looked up to see Harry "No, I thought you were the annoying ferret boy," Grace shot back with

"Well, I think I scared you pretty well" Harry laughed

Grace then walked off to go to divination when she actually bumped into a body. She looked up hoping it was Harry again, but just her luck Draco was standing right there with his bodyguards.

"Well hello there little one," Draco said with a fake voice

Grace never understood why Draco always called her little one or little lion. She knew he fancied her, but she never knew why he would tease her so much.

"What do you need Malfoy," Grace sneered

"Well to start with Grace I did not appreciate you talking back to me like that yesterday," Draco started with

"Well last time I checked you don't tell me what to do," Grace reached back for her wand, but to her surprise couldn't find it.

She started backing up when Draco came closer. She could sense she was getting closer to the wall. Draco was about to take one step closer, but the same feeling washed over Grace.

Grace waved her hand and said "Colovaria" and with that Dracos platinum blonde hair had turned a deep Gryfindor red.

He ran off muttering something about his father. Grace couldn't help but laugh a little when she saw this. 

She checked her watch and saw that divination was bout to start. She ran back to her dorm to find her wand. When she got to divination she saw that all the tables were filled.

"Welcome! Mrs. Black!" Professor Trelawney said. A few kids shuddered at her name. Grace was confused by this it wasn't like she was related to Sirius Black.

"H-hi, Sorry I'm late I got a little caught up," Grace apologized

"No worries! Let's see here, ah yes, Go and take a seat with Mr. Weasley and his friend," Trelawney told Grace.

Grace went to sit down and couldn't help but notice how hot it was in there.

Grace's eyelids felt heavy as the professor's words started to drown out. 

"Grace? Is that you?" A man with ratty black hair said

"You look so much like Gwendolyn," he told the girl

"Why am I here?" Said the girl confused and scared

"Grace, It's me," the man said

"No, I don't know who you are," she said again

"Grace I'm your-"

She was woken up by a worried Harry and an intrigued Professor.

"Wh-what happened?" Grace asked

"You started shaking and saying something about not knowing who you were" Hermione replied with  looking just as concerned

"What was it dear? A vision? A memory?" Said, professor Trelawney

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