Chapter 7☞︎New faces☜︎

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--- means time skip!

-3rd POV-

Grace Laughed as the spider rolled away on its skates. 

It was now Grace's turn to face the boggart, she stepped up and the boggart changed the form of her Aunt Keira

"Act like a lady, you brat!"

"Sit up straight!" 

"Dress like a young girl, not someone off the streets"

Then the boggart changed to another figure whom she didn't recognize

"Gracie? It's me, Don't you remember?"

"Do you remember snuffles? Your teddy bear you got for your fifth birthday?"

"Gravie how I've Missed You!" A woman said

"RIDIKULUS!" Grace yelled the man turned into the dog she would see at the black lake while talking with Cedric.

Grace looked over at a confused professor who seemed lost in his thoughts

"Uhm, sorry to interrupt, but could I use the restroom really quickly?"

Lupin nodded and she walked out with lots of thoughts racing through her mind WHo was that man? And that woman? I know for a fact that I do not know them, but professor Lupin looked at me as if he had been reunited with his best friend.

Grace went into the girl's toilets with a curious Hermione right behind her.

"Grace?" Hermione said softly

"Mione?" Grace said unlocking the stall and crushing her in a hug

"Don't worry, your safe," Hermione cooed

"I don't know what's going on, That was the same man that was in my dream in divination, and that woman at first was my late Aunt Keira. She always told me that I needed not to talk back and blah blah blah blah." Grace said her voice thick

Hermione changed the subject "How has your day been so far?"

"It's been fine Me and the twins have a prank set for Ron and his dormmates!" Grace immediately slapped her hand over her mouth

"I was not supposed to say that!" Grace said

Hermione only laughed "Don't worry your secret is safe with me,"

"Wait- Doesn't Harry room with Ron?" Hermione said

Graces eyes turned a bright pink along with her face "Yea, we made sure he got the less of it" Grace said sheepishly

"You DO fancy him!!" Hermione said excitedly

Grace shushed the girl "I don't know what you're talking about, I just barely know him and didn't want his hair to get messed up" 

"Nice try, but why his hair"

"Because, Because that's for me to know and you to never find out"

"and who cares if I like his hair," Grace said as they walked out of the toilets

"Who's hair?" A voice said

Grace turned around to find Harry, and her eyes turned visibly pink.

"She was talking about how she likes," Hermione tired

Grace shoved her hand into Hermione's face

"How I like the air?" Grace said nervously

"Oh ok well, Lupin needs to talk to you!" Harry said before running off to do Merlins what.

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