Chapter 1 ☞︎The Train Ride☜︎

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-Grace POV-

     I was walking down the hall of the train and saw that almost all of them were filled. I saw that there halfway full, but I wondered why Draco was in there. I thought that he must have been in the wrong compartments because seeing as he was in Slytherin and he and his friends were in a Gryfindor compartment. 

    I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a loud and VERY obnoxious voice that could only belong to one person.

"Dracie-Poo why is SHE in our compartments?" said Pansy 

Draco responded back with "What did I say about calling me that?" but then answered her question "But yet I also don't have an idea. Let's found out shall we?"

Once he had said that I heard a laugh. No, it was a giggle, more of a shriek than a laugh or giggle. The compartment door opened and out stepped Draco with Pansy clinging to him as if he were the last chocolate frog left.

I was yet again snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a snarky tone "Now, now what would a pretty little lion like you be doing in the serpents area?" said Draco

I went wide-eyed as I realized that I had been wondering for so long that I ended up in the Slytherins compartments. I heard a soft chuckle as I looked in and saw another boy who looked our year. 

He had dark skin and was very tall. I couldn't think of his name which I thought strange because just because I don't talk doesn't mean I don't know who some people are. 

You could say that I "stalk" people but I'm just very observant and know lots about random people.

I felt frozen. I was embarrassed that I had found my way to the wrong compartments. So, I ran. I ran to the Gryffindor compartments. 

I was trying to find a compartment until I ran into a body. I fell to the ground and heard a loud yet warm chuckle.

I heard someone say "Here let me help you" the mystery person held their hand out for me to take, but instead of taking their hand I got up myself to show I didn't need any help.

Once I had stood up completely I had looked up in hope that this mystery person would have left, but nope. 

I looked up into big blue eyes I stood there shocked because I had run into a tall Hufflepuff. I searched my mind for the name of this person and came to a quick conclusion that he was Cedric Diggory.

He held his hand out for me to shake "I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory" I quickly shook his back and said "I know" 

He looked at me confused and my face went red I immediately corrected myself "Er- I-Uh" He laughed and said "It's alright" I gave him a small smile and right as I was about to leave his hand grabbed my wrist.

He said "Not so fast, I never caught your name" I mentally face palmed How could I be so stupid.  "Oh! Sorry, I'm Grace Black" 

"Well it was very nice to meet you Grace, I hope to see you around school sometime" and with that, he smiled and left.

I stood there thinking if I sounded stupid or if he thought I was weird. I shrugged it off and went to go find George and Fred. After a good 10 minutes of looking, I gave up and just went to find an empty compartment.

I looked into all the compartments and saw that most were filled. After looking I found a compartment with Ronald and his friends, there was also a man sleeping he looked like a professor. 

I opened the compartment door and saw all eyes on me. There was a bushy-haired girl who I knew whose name was Hermione Granger she looked up at me scanning me carefully then smiled, next was a boy with the prettiest blue eyes and very messy hair. I knew who that was because on holidays Ronald would not stop talking about how he was friends with the one and only Harry Potter. Next was Ronald.

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