A Surprise

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Felix was bored. Really bored. He had been waiting in the living room for seven minutes. His mother had called him for something important. Whatever it was it had better be quick. To think a Graham de Vanily would be so-

" Felix, I'm here." " Mother, what would be so important for you to start getting tardy?" " I apologize. Anyway, I need you to do something that you are capable of yet refuse to do. " Which is?" " Go outside"

"What? You called me here just for that? " Yes. You haven't set foot out of the house for weeks! Do not think because it's the weekend it's fine!" "I'll be fine without... nevermind fine I'll go '''' Good boy-" You make me sound like a dog." "Good son, satisfied?"

He didn't answer. She retaliated by not allowing him to get dropped off. Go figure. At least he could evade the public. Fangirls are absolutely ridiculous. But go where? Maybe the park to practice mimicking his idiotic cousin. But he had already used that one before.

Just take a walk. Sure, he could work with that. Ten minutes later he was at Yorkshire Dales. Not really his scene,with tiny snot nosed creatures that were called " children" running in mud even though their parents told them not to,but the plants weren't half bad. Amelie had just texted him saying she wants him home in 20 minutes.

Good. His feet started to hurt from walking around for so long. After a while he started to get hungry. Lucky for him there was a woman selling semifreddo nearby. He got orange flavour. While savouring it he went towards a tree to rest in it's shade. Huh?

There was a girl standing there. The only reason he could tell was because of the curvy silhouette. Thanks to the shade he could not see her eyes. how did she get there without him noticing? Please don't be a fangirl. Hold on, he could see her hair. Dark blue,

short, to her shoulders that loosely frames her face with a curled strand on each side and a braid of hair tied at the side of her neck, one worn over the shoulder. She has two, thin, knee-length segments of hair that loosely flow, and her bangs curve inward, overlapping each other.

No red ribbon or pigtails so... impossible. As if reading his thoughts she stepped into the light. "Yes,it's me"

" Why are you here? I mean, talking to me?" And since when is your hair so long? " There's an annoying girl in my class and you enjoy using your charms to manipulate people" she paused to cross her arms. "You in?" He scoffed. " Why should I help you?

She held up a familiar small object. He sees red. "I don't know how your baker's daughter's hands got a hold of it, but I stole Uncle Gabriel's ring first!" He lunges, she doges to the right. Using the oppertunity to grab her left hand and yankes it out. He smiles in content. Quickly fades at the texture of it. Oh no. It was 


"You tricked me!" She smirked triuphantly"And you just confirmed your a thief" and pulled out her gold cased phone. It had a black rose shaped pop socket and the screen was dark blue. Definenately at least hundreds. But if  it was real gold, how would she have that money? Anyway, it showed the recording of his little rant.

"You know" she started, walking up to his shaking body. "you never answered my question. So let me ask again, are you in?" " I-I-ne---eed more time." " You still have one third of it before you need to get back, Approxiamently 7 minutes. I'd say it's plenty. " How do you know about that?" "Let's just say I have my resources.  Whatever the case, it would be a shame if it got out to the public.

 Your and your mother's riches and repututaion gone, all gone. Never to rise up again. Even if you work hard till your bones crack. No one will belive you. And after years and years of blood and sweat you still get nothing. In your last days when you grow old and shriveld up, you won't even have the strength to cry. 

So you lie there, fighting your towards your last breath. Darkness surronds you with no light or hope in the slightest. All because of a push of a button. "She got closer to his face.

" Thrilling, isn't it?" she says with innocent eyes. The same eyes he always thought of her with. How could she pull that off while saying such words? It's psycotic! Make it stop!  He dosen't answer. "Or maybe you don't find it thrilling and want a way out.    . "So what's it gonna be? Taste eternal shame"The facade drops. Her eyes are colder than the artic ocean. Darn,careful what you wish for. " or make a deal with me?

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