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"Michael, you really do need a new start! Think about this, you and your work can get back on track. You just need to say yes, and all of it would be of my concern. I promise you that there would be extreme professionalism followed by them." Elizabeth Taylor spoke as her friend sat distressed on the couch. The thoughts about being able to work with a professional pattern again, rather than partial-dedication made him rethink his choices.

Michael Joseph Jackson, the man everyone refers to as "the king of pop, rock and soul", apparently sat in his red pajamas and a white button up shirt with a dismissed posture.

His head was now filled with adrenaline rush about the new project and fear of missing from the parenting of his son. Ever since prince came in his life, things got better emotionally for Michael. His world came around to peaceful chapter, as the beautiful kid in his arms cuddled to sleep. His small and cute goof-ball was all he thought for entirely.

But, since a year after his birth; the urge to record songs and shoot music videos made Michael realize that his true passion also included being the best entertainer in the world.

"Michael? Goddamn! With the amount thoughts in your head; you could literally pass as a philosopher. Listen, don't worry about any other consequence or anyone else; getting assistance would help you a lot! You need to d-"

"Okay! Okay! I will get one, if that makes you stop rambling so much! Fine by me." he spoke in a distressed voice. He sunk into the couch further and let out a loud sigh.

"Its Debbie isn't it? I know you too well Michael. You need to get it out to her. Sometimes she is ridiculously possessive for you; even though she knows this marriage is actually fake. She is taking it too seriously!" Liz spoke. Her hand caressed Michael's knee to soothe him down.

"-oh so should I not take my marriage seriously? That is enough Elizabeth! Why would you even say that about me?" a voice came from opposite direction, and behind the curtains stood a rather suspiciously- stood Debbie. By the way she posed, seemed like she was hiding behind the curtain and listening to their entire conversation.

"Were you eavesdropping? Did she just invade the privacy of our conversation? Wh-"

"Liz please calm down. I will take care of the matter. Debbie what is wrong with you? Can't you see us have a moment to ourselves?" Michael spoke, breaking the heated argument.

"Michael! I am your wife; I need to know everything about you and your life. Right?" she spoke as she rushed extremely close towards Michael and he felt himself cringe at her voice.

"Michael, you better get her out, your assistant would be here any moment. please." Liz warned her friend.

"I am not going anywhere! He is my husband!" Debbie wailed, faking tears of consolation and pity.

"Get out Debbie, before I call security." Michael spoke, his voice now stern and alerting. The darkness in his tone was so alarming that even Liz got scared for a moment.

Debbie stood up and her face had no display of emotions, she had no tears or any discomfort in her eyes. She stopped in the middle of the room and turned back, her eyes glaring at both of them as she spoke, "I will be back." 

She turned on her heels and walked off as if nothing had happened and smiled as he saw the guard standing there on the door with a girl standing near him.

'Who is she? Shit I need to eavesdrop again!' Debbie thought as she snucked behind the wall and between the curtains. She wanted to know every single thing about her husband's life, even if he didn't like it. Because, Michael was hers'; forever.

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