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They say love is the epitome of desires; the snow that never melts through fires...They say, love makes you feel so good, but why doesn't it feel like what it should?

Michael and love were a quite tacky combination to stay along with. There were subtle differences between what Michael wanted and what he really got. There was no way in the goddamn world, that any soul mate would exist and take him in their arms. No way, someone would hold his hand and caress his cheek. His belief in existence of love for him had turned into denial.

But ever since blue has been around, Michael has not only been turned on heavily; but also been having a massive adrenaline rush. His confused and extremely exhausted state weren't helping either. Every time he would see her, his stomach would burn slightly and his nerves would go jitty. Michael was still a married man, and there was no way; he could be caught in an affair. The second leg of the tour was due in the last date of May in Germany. Michael had to take matters in his hands, there was no way he could put himself in a whirl of 2 women and still survive with his career.

If anything went to the news, or to those fuck-all tabloids; it would not only taint blue's image and dignity but also his career. Therefore, he had to start distancing himself a little bit from her. He had no choice but to hide it from the world. But what was ever their relationship?

Tune up bitches, this is gonna be a hella long ride.


"Yes please, thank you! Get these outfits re-checked on Mr. Jackson. We don't want any kind of misfit or abrupt fashion display in the concerts please."

Blue was running around holding different outfits Michael had just tried. The tour was in 2 weeks and they were leaving for Germany tomorrow. She was trying her best to be professional, but she could sense the bitter attitude of Michael towards her. There was something off about him; he was not himself around her. She could feel him hiding a truth behind that monotonous "no thanks, I am fine" he uttered, every time she asked him anything.

But then, who was she fooling? She knew it was better if they stayed under the covers, rather than blows it up and destroy everything they have.

If Michael decides to act "professional"; Bitches, Blue ain't stepping back too. She would rub it in his face about how professional and nonchalant she is about him. She doesn't think of him as anything but a boss.

Yeah right, the same boss her dumbass would happily call daddy.

Never mind, let's work. The only thing which could keep her distracted was now drowning her into itself. Because, hell! The work is not just finishing. The tour was in 5 days and they were leaving for Germany tomorrow. So, packing for herself, as well as Mr. Jackson was necessary.


Michael was in the house, sitting in his beautiful room. The soft silver of the night shined brightly on his face and the moon touched his features with those white lights. His hair was left open, a little longer and curlier than before. His shirt and pants were on the ground now. His boxers were the only cloth still present on his body.

Mr. Jackson.

He would replay it again and again, letting his guard down and sighing heavily every time. This was unknown to him, the first time he wanted to hold her close and look at her face. Just look at her, all night...

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