S1: episode 1 part 5

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" oh well hello there y/n I am mo-yeong you're sam-chon's friend" mo-yeon said and stood up and turned to the patients she has been treating.

"no feeling, right we'll stitch it up" she then looked at the bed where the thief is supposed to be laying on.

"where did the motorcycle patient go?" "oh?, why isn't he there?"

the 2nd nurse then asked "did he go to the x-ray room?"

sin-jin let go of y/n's hand and went to the place of the 2nd nurse making the face of ' I will handle this'

he then turned to mo-yeong and asked to mo-yeong and asked "who I am, speaking to right now?"

mo-yeong then turned around and asked "are you the big brothers who wanted to send him to the mortuary?" " the mortuary?" he then looked at dea-young and y/n then back at mo-yeong " there's a misunderstanding-" " nurse choi, please tell these men to go outside" nurse choi then asked something before doing what is she supposed to do "what about the little girl?" "her too but politely"

"also tell the security team to make sure they aren't causing trouble"

she then looked at sin-jin then back at nurse-choi

"now" she said

nurse choi then told the 2 adults " you cant be here, please go over there"


The nurse then turned to me and said "could you please go out with your sam-chon's please?"

I nodded

We then went out of the bed of the patient

The nurse then closed the curtain.

Wait...I looked at Sam-chon sin-Jin staring at imo (auntie) mo-yeon "Sam-chon sin-Jin?" "Hm? Yes y/n?" Both of them then looked at me "do you like Imo mo-yeon?" Sam-chon sin-Jin then coughed and looked away, then Sam-chon dea-young then spoke " seeing as he left the phone, it looks like he ran away" "yea it does look like he ran away" Sam-chon dae-young then continued "let's go look for him outside, he couldn't have gone far" " yes, he probably didn't go far, you 2 should go" Sam-chon dea-young then looked at Sam-chon sin-Jin.

3rd POV
Sin-Jin then turned to dea-young.

While dea-young was giving the 'what is wrong with you face'

Sin-Jin then held his stomach while making hurtful noises

"ow my stomach" he then continued while holding dea-young " my stomach....I think its my appendix" "the appendix isn't there" " ah! its over there"

some person then said " man what is going on?"

dea-young then looked a y/n that was making the 'are you kidding me face'.Dea-young then looked at sin-jin and said " you were right, its on the other side"

sin-jin then stopped and looked at dea-young.

he then went back to his original position

"wow this kid, c'mon lets go y/n"

then the 3 of them went out of the hospital

Time skip
As sin-Jin, y/n and dea-young were walking into and ally way.

Sin-Jin then spoke "do you know where we're going?"
"I have a place in mind" he then continued "earlier, there where guys that looked like gangsters"

They then heard someone getting beaten up

They then looked where the sound came from, they then saw the thief and another person

Si-Jin looked at y/n and said "y/n get your bat ready" y/n then nodded and took a bat that was attached to her backpack

"You let her carry a bat" "yep so that the fight will be more interesting"

Dea-young was about to go confront the gangsters but Si-Jin pulled him back "oi....uh...do you have to get your phone back? they look like they're good at fighting"

dea-young replied "there's a reason I need to get it back"

"What's that?" Si-Jin asked

Si-Jin then scoffed "is there something you don't want others to see?, not very honorable" he then continued " but something good?" "Yes" Si-Jin then turned to where the gangsters are and yelled " HEY YOU GUYS OVER THERE!" Then started walking followed by dea-young and y/n.


They then reached the part where the gangsters are.

Everyone looked at the 3

One person then said "who are you guys?" Another one then scoffed "and there is a kid too, just keep walking!" He then continued "don't interfere with a funeral"

Dea-young then looked at the thief "we have some business with him"

The leader then said "then get in line you f**king passerby" he then started laughing a bit.

Si-Jin said to the leader "dude you shouldn't swear there is a kid here that is about to beat you up"

Dea-young then looked at the leader then back a the thief "please save me this once" the thief said crawling to dea-young

Si-Jin then scoffed "hey did you steal their phones too?" He asked

Dad-young then kneeled down to the thief.

"What is the reason why you are getting beaten up?"



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