The Fandom Experiment

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Oh, geez... it's been ages.

As an experiment, I've been watching more shows and reading more books and generally experiencing other fandoms.

Before I get into the fAnDom eXpEriMeNt, this isn't for one hot second about me switching fandoms entirely; Fantastic Beasts has and always will hold a most cherished place in my heart, but it's nice to see what the rest of the world is up to XD

And sure, after bingeing a new series I tend to talk about it endlessly, but normally I fade out of my obsession after a few weeks when I find something new. I'm sure my family and a bunch of my friends can confirm that it gets very annoying.

Anyway, into the experiment! I'm just going to do this by listing out each new interest and word-vomiting my thoughts about it. There'll be diagrams and pictures too... but I'm sorry if it's still kind of boring. Hey, I'm not forcing you to read a book I wrote about myself!

Bollywood film

I guess the experiment idea sparked when I started watching more Bollywood films... I have no idea why. But I liked watching interviews with the actors and behind-the-scenes clips from movies. Most of the time, actors, producers, directors, interviewers and pretty much everyone spoke in a mixture of English and Hindi, so whilst being entertained by the content, I got to expand my vocabulary a little more as well.

On the other hand, now I know how to insult someone at least 20 ways in Hindi...

Aurorablues221 and dworito got into this fandom(?) with me, because we're all of Indian ethnicity (I dunno if I'm allowed to reveal that... I think I asked them earlier and they said it was fine XD).

My love for drawing also sparked around this point, and I did have a fair go at drawing some actors (they never really turned out that well... I can only draw cartoons XD)

From this fandom I got my love of drawing back, a sudden urge to get abs and work out (which I am now forbidden from doing after spinal surgery... go figure), and a huge admiration for acting (which ultimately lead to me taking up drama in tenth grade).

She Ra

Oh, I had fun with this one. A bunch of people had recommended it, so while I was recovering in hospital, I binged my way through the first two seasons.

It started out pretty much how I expected it to, but something that always stuck with me was the diversity and creativity. The worlds are so imaginative, the concepts the producers come up with are incredible. And most of all, 80% of the characters aren't even human. Or at least, they have animal elements, like Scorpia's tail or Entrapta's hair (I know that's not animal... but it's not quite human...)

I also love diversity in the characters' genders and sexualities as well. Of course, there's your protagonist couple, Catra and Adora, who have a great Enemies to Lovers arc. I especially like Catra's redemption arc... I almost hit tears at her 'One good thing' turning point. *me trying not to give away spoilers*

I also love how no one makes a big deal about a homosexual relationship. We seriously need that in today's society. I finished this series with a bunch of favourite characters. I can't pick. But I know I'm a little partial to Bow, Sea Hawk, Catra, Double Trouble and Scorpia. And a bunch of new ships.


I used to really like Minecraft when I was little. It was like nostalgia coming back to it, except it was also terrifying because they added so many new blocks. Hey, I remember when villagers were first introduced, and now, like 10 years later, there are a bunch of them dressed for a funeral chilling on my rooftop throwing potions when I step outside.

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