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^^ (I thought this picture was fitting because you guys are my Wattpad family)



I had stuff I was going to write for this, but I never thought I'd be using it so soon, so I never thought of anything I'd say, if that makes sense. So here I am, winging it.

Thank you SO SO SO SO SO SO SO much, guys!!! You're like family now! It hasn't even been one year since I joined Wattpad and I've already met so many awesome people and fantastic authors.

I'm just an idiot finding a way to show passion for their fandom and improve their writing, and- Merlin's beard, I've come so far!! I hope my writing has improved as well!!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with me through every poorly-written cliffhanger, even the smallest of plot holes, and my ever-present habit of overusing commas. It really means the world to me.

I never thought I'd find so many fans like me.

Thanks especially to:

EbonySolcum: Yep... Ebony's gotta go first! Mostly because she was the reason I joined Wattpad in the first place. I know lots of other people could say the same. She was my first ever follower and supporter, and she totally rocks! One of my friends suggested reading fanfiction back in my humiliating year of 2018, and I was reluctant at first, then finally resorted to searching Fantastic Beasts fanfiction. Safe in Your Arms by Ebony Solcum came up first, and that was that! I remember getting to the end and crying, then sniffing through my tears and smiling, then saying to myself, I want to be like this author one day.

I joined Wattpad while I was reading (and she was writing) Return to New York, and here I am now- because of her ^^ Thank you, Ebony!

How2BanIntrovert: Sorry for mentioning an online friend before an in-real-life friend, Nancy, but you know how Ebony is awesome XP

Everyone, this is Nancy: How2BanIntrovert. She says she's psycho, and she is. Feel free to check out her humiliating profile against her will here: wattpad.com/user/How2BanIntrovert

She is my biggest supporter. And critic. Both of them at the same time, and I cannot thank her enough for it. She is one frickin amazing friend, and I love her more than Nifflers. Probably. They tie for the spot. (Also, Nancy, Newt does not have rabies. He's perfectly normal.)

Heck, I could go on forever and ever about all the amazing people I've met!! I'm just going to mention those two, because without them, I never would've joined Wattpad.

How2BanIntrovert recommended reading fanfiction, and EbonySolcum was the first name that popped up when I googled it. In a way, it was a joint effort between them. Funny to think about, if you consider the fact that they don't know each other.

I'm waffling on- thank you all so much for being there and reading my stuff. You guys rock, and from here, it feels that the only limit is the imagination.

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