See You Later

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I knocked on their door and when May-may answered she jumped up and squeezed me.

" Mally, you look sad. What's wrong?"

Teddy came up too and hugged my leg.

Oh, my heart.

" Uh, guys sit over here. I need to talk to you about something."

I grabbed their hands and sat them on a bed.

" Guys, do you think the pack is a good place or bad place?"

" Bad."
" Bad."

Immediate answers.

" They say mean stuff about you and the omegas."

" They're all jerks."

I nodded.

" Right. And because I didn't shift they think I'm, well worthless.

So they make me clean and do everything for them.

But, and you don't know this.

They want me to marry someone. Someone who doesn't like me, who will treat me badly, and who is not a good person."

" WHAT!?"

" NO!"

I held their hands as they started freaking out.

" And, uh, 'the parents'.

Wanted to send me to the packhouse. When I turned eighteen.

And they probably will if I reject the marriage."

Their faces steadily grew red and they clutched my hands with their pudgy little fingers.

" And today Kent is going to be given the title of Alpha and-

He's gonna make things a whole lot worse.

And it's not just that.

I have been smeared up and down the walls.

I won't be able to go to college or get a paying job.

I just-"

" You're leaving."

May-may didn't let me beat around the bush anymore.


Teddy's big eyes glared at me as he hugged my sleeve.


He gripped my arm tighter.

" I don't want you to go!"

" Teddy-"

" Hey, dummy she has to! You would rather have her miserable here than happy somewhere else?

That's selfish."

" I KNOW! "

Tears were streaming down his little apple-red face.

" I know! Sniffle!

But aren't you selfish too Mal-mal!?"

They both looked at me.

And there goes the fucking guilt!"

" You're just gonna abandon us-"

Hold it!

" Hey! Hey! HEY!"

I pulled the forward and pressed our foreheads together.

" I... WILL NEVER... IN MY LIFE... ABANDON YOU. This isn't me saying I'm leaving you here and trying to forget you.

Trash? Ok. Rejected? Cool. Now Let Me Be Lazy.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora