Lots And Lots Of Dialogue

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He looked like I just told him that Bruno Mars wasn't actually 'Bruno Mar's' name.

Absolutely dumbfounded!

Love it.

" What?"

" I... said.... no!"

I enunciated like I was teaching a kid how to spell.

" No? Why!? "

I shrugged.

" Don't you realize what power you hold!? You're intelligence is obviously not that of an average ten-year-old! But because you're human no one cares!

If you join me you'll be immortal, invincible, in-"

" In fact, I don't care. "

" You must! You're human you must want fame, power, and dominance! It's built into your very structure as a human being! It's what all you humans are!"

" Then I guess I'm not human. "

He looked stunned even though he had no fracking eyebrows!

" Look, I will fully admit that I am quite mature for my age because of my intelligence.

I caught on to things much quicker than other kids, I hungered for knowledge and understanding. This in turn affected me as a person.

Trust me, when you're six years old and you figure out that you're eventually gonna wither away and die can change you as much it will traumatize you.

But my thirst for knowledge never died.

Well, I guess it did get buried out in the back of the woods but then it rose from the grave after a few weeks.

So over time, my skin thickened, my head became clear, and eventually, all my emotions just burned themselves out.

So I'm able to get over these types of things quickly.

Fear is non-existent to me. So is jealousy. Or any large amount of greed.

I want things that's for sure. But wanting things like world domination, fear, fame? Not for me.

Just give me a couple of things and leave me the heck alone and I'll be cool.

That's all I want. "

" Impossible! It's human nature! You must desire all of this!"

" What!? Desire what exactly?!

Fame? And have people judging me no matter what!? I could literally be an angel with actual wings and a halo and I could still have trolls!

Oh! But if I'm feared that won't happen right?

No! It'll still happen and people will try to kill me too! I may not be scared of death but I'll try my darndest to avoid it!

But if I'm strong and smart I'll stay alive?

No. Because the unexpected exists.

I could choke, have a heart attack, or fall, and if it exists it can happen! And not even you could prevent that! Hell, you might even be the one to kill me with your sketchy ass!

Not only that, I wanna live my life for me! I want to live how I want!

What kind life is it if I live based solely on others? Whether if it's for them or to go against them or to get stronger than them or whatever! It's not living for yourself is it?

It's dumb. And more importantly, it's pathetic.

I mean, seriously! How immature do you have to be!?

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