Heart Attack

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I gasped and flinched so hard I felt something crack.


I looked behind me to see Zoey gripping my shoulders. Her curly black hair looked fluffy and she wore a heart-stopping smile.

Everyone was wearing the brightest smiles they had and they were all surrounding me.

"Happy Birthday sweetheart."

Zoey kissed the top of my head and quickly pulled away. "Ugh! Your hair's wet. Someone bring me a towel."

Jenna yelled, " On it!" And quickly sped off.

"Aww! Happy Birthday, Mal. How is it you look cuter every year!?"

Dustin chirped and pinched my cheeks.

" Hey, don't hog the cheeks! Lemme squish em'."

Cameron hissed while jabbing Dustin's shoulder. Dustin growled at him and Cameron pouted in return.

" Ahh! Why is it that this ten-year-old has more fashion sense in her finger than I have in my whole twenty-year-old ass?"

Cambri groaned and I let out a giggle.

"Aw! Let me keep her, she's too cute!" Dana squealed.

"No she's my baby!" Zeke hissed.

"Obviously the little small bean is mine end of story." Johnny huffed with his arms crossed.

"Oh, fight me then!" Zeke growled.

"Bitch, I will drag you!" Dana hissed back.

"I will drag the both of you to hell before I let you have her. Also language there's a child here."

Johnny said.

I always like being with them. It feels so... so...

Like being in a bathtub filled with warm slime.

"I missed you guys. I love you."

Everyone stopped talking and who the heck is cutting onions cause they're all crying.

Zoey tightened her grip around me and sniffled, " Oh honey, we love you too."

" Group hug!"

Dustin exclaimed and before I could object everyone had quickly piled on.

It's sweet but... I can't breathe.

"Hey I got a-. Oh, what!? How dare you hug Mally without telling me!?"

Jenna ran over and joined the pile.

It's warm and sweet, and cuddly.

Gah! And suffocating!

Help! The lights are going out! Ugh! I'm not gonna make it!

Tell... Isabelle... that... she can keep... the tiara.

I... leave everything... to my... murderers.

Goodbye... world.

Gasp! I can breathe!

They all let go of me after a few minutes. Thank Goddess.

Zoey sniffled and wiped a tear from her eye.

"Hey, Mal we have a surprise for you!" She chimed and pushed me forward to a large kitchen island.

Another one? The jumping up and giving me a heart attack in the dark was surprise enough.

Trash? Ok. Rejected? Cool. Now Let Me Be Lazy.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang