Chapter 5: The worst thing that can happen

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"I refuse to accept it" Monique says "There is nothing left to be done" Jason says "I find it hard to believe, there is always something to be done, Jason, we cannot stay here and simply wait for her to be sent to the slaughter house" Monique says "We did every single thing according to the law, Vanessa was arrested and charged, they have a video incriminating her, saying she was having an episode? That's not an opinion because you had her medically cleared, so she was able to legally marry Alan, this is not her first time in police custody for the same charge and she is a history of being a flight risk, for so no bond was placed and she is to await for the trial date in police custody, as you can see, I did every single thing I could, if you want me to break her out of prison, you had another thing coming" Jason says "I just can't stand still, not do anything, do you have any idea what been in that cell will do to her? She is going to go nuts" Monique says "At this moment, Vanessa is the least of your worries, she is in an isolated cell, where she cannot harm herself, but you should be worrying for Robin's health" Jason says "Out of despite, she sent my sister to jail, why on earth should I care for her health when she did not cared for Vanessa's?" Monique asks "Because if Robin dies, Vanessa's chances of getting out of jail are pretty slim" Jason says, Monique sighs "Right, Alan..." "Nobody is talking to me" I say "There must be someone who you can call" Monique says "I will try to talk to my mother" I say as I take my phone and dial Mom's phone number.



"Whatever it is, the answer is no" Mom says "Mom, I know..." "Do not pull that act on me, Alan, you are not admitting your guilt, you are not sorry, because if you really were, you would be reaching out to Robin, not to me, on the same line of thought,  I am not going to allow you to use anyone else for the sake of that woman, neither allow you to help her get out of this, so as I said, whatever it is, the answer is no" Mom says "You have seen Robin? Mom, please, I need to talk to Robin" I say "I have not seen Robin, but I have been talking to her parents, keeping up with her health state, is the least your father and I can do, and if you want to talk to her to get to drop the charges, you don't have to talk to her, I can give you the answer, no" Mom says "I want to talk to her about a private matter" I say "Alan Robert Hamilton, I dare you to do that again, I dare you to lie to me to my face again" Mom says "Mom, I love you, but this is something I need to talk to Robin, please..." "I am not going to help you talk to Robin about dropping the charges against that woman and I can give 2 reasons why, one, that  woman is where she is supposed to be, two, Robin's visit have been restricted at the hospital, only Aurora and her parents can see her" Mom says, I sigh.

"I do not recognize you, Alan" Mom says "Mom..." "In case you do not know, Robin has cerebral hemorrhage, and from what I could tell from Amanda's words as she cried, there is nothing the doctors can do to save her, and there is a very high chance Robin dies today" Mom says "No, she was..." "Please, Alan, stop, the last thing the Walters need is you bothering them" Mom says, I sigh "Alan, everybody has been telling you, now I am telling you, as long as you think it is a good idea to help Vanessa get out of trouble, specially attacking Robin, you are to stay away from Robin, God help me, Alan, if anyone says they saw you in the sidewalk of the hospital, I will call the police myself, did I made myself clear?" Mom says "I..." "Did I made myself clear?" Mom asks "Yes" I answer "Good, the same goes to Monique or any other member of the Wise family" Mom says "Got it" I say, Mom hangs up.

"What is it?" Monique asks "As Jason told us, Robin is in the hospital, and Mom says Robin's condition is very unstable, the doctors tried to prevent it, but there is nothing to be done and they are expecting her to die today" I answer "Die? She was fine, Alan, how is it that she goes released from the hospital to dying in just a few days?" Monique asks "I do not know what is going, because everybody knows what I did and nobody is talking to me, all I know are little bits my Mom decides to tell me" I answer "The woman is on the verge of the death, great, let's say she dies, what's the best case scenario?" Monique asks Jason "Best case scenario? Vanessa is going to be accused of voluntary manslaughter and second degree murder, we manage to plea insanity and we fight for Vanessa doing her sentence in a mental institution of our choice" Jason answers "Worst case scenario?" Monique asks "She is charged with voluntary manslaughter and second degree murder sent to jail for the rest of her life" Jason says "And getting Robin to drop the charges?" I ask "At this point that's not an option, Vanessa inflicted harm to another person on purpose, and that person is about to die, if I were you, I would be focusing on being a moral support to Vanessa, because things are about to complicate, a lot" Jason says.

"We have spoken about Vanessa, but we need to talk about what happens with you two" Jason says and we look at him "Us?" I ask "The charges Robin pressed were not only against Vanessa, she accuses you and Monique of endangering her life, if Robin dies, your charges will escalate as well, and you two are facing a lot of years in jail" Jason answers, I sigh "What will happen to us?" Monique asks "There isn't a best scenario, because either way, you are accomplices of what she did, you will got to jail, if Robin lives, we are speaking of probation time" Jason answers, we sigh.

"Right now, I am not going to talk to you as a family friend, but as your lawyer, Vanessa's condition doesn't seem to be improving, every single day that goes by, she is even more delirious than the last time, proving to be a harm to herself and others around her..." "Go to the point, Jason" Monique says "You should place your distance between you and Vanessa, yes, be there for moral support, but the times when you two placed your hand in the fire for her are over" Jason says "How can you ask me that? She is my sister" Monique says "And I love her, how can you tell us to back down? Vanessa needs us now more than ever" I say "Because if you do not you will end up like her" Jason says "This..." "I am talking to you as your lawyer, now Vanessa's, and as your lawyer, my job is to assume the worst and deal with it, I am, now you two realize it, she attacked Robin, she did not thought of what this would do to her or you two, so you either stop covering for her or you willingly accept whatever is the outcome of her actions" Jason says "I am going to do whatever it takes to keep her save" I say "Same here" Monique says "Good to know" Jason says as he pulls his phone out of the pocket and answers it.

"His..." "He is doing his job, Monique" I say "It is clear that he is not going to help us get her out of jail" Monique says, I frown "What do you mean? He is doing everything in his power to help Vanessa" I ask "He is not fighting for bail and he just asked us to stay away from her, I wouldn't call that doing everything in his power to help Vanessa" Monique says, I sigh "Monique, you should get some sleep, things are not going to change in a while, I will keep you informed to everything" I say, she shakes her head "My sister is here, I am going to stay here" she says, I sigh as I nod.

As delusional Wise wasn't enough.

"We have a problem" Jason says as he hangs up "What now?" Monique asks "Robin just died in the OR" Jason answers.

Every single one of his words stabbing my heart as a sharp knife blade.

"No, she was fine, she was fine, Alan, you saw her, she was fine" Monique says as she looks at me, I simply look at her, tears in my eyes "No, you cannot believe this, Alan, she was fine, you saw her, this is a trick to send Vanessa to jail, she is..." "Monique" Jason calls, Monique cries as she sits down.

"I am sorry, Alan" Jason says, I simply nod, I cannot bring myself to say anything else, I do not deserve to say to think anything else, Mom was right, Robin was always there for me, she always looked out for me, and instead of doing what a man who loves a woman does, instead of protecting her, I allowed her to get harm to help a person who needed help, but did not wanted to be helped, I had to lose my first love to take to realize that covering for Vanessa was wrong.

Rob...I cannot managed to think of it, I cannot accept to accept that I lost her and that she died hating me.

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